By: Lizzy Lindberg DTC 355 DESIGN CONCEPTS
EMPHASIS Emphasis is when special importance or value is given to a certain element in a text.
EMPHASIS The first image is a webpage and it draws you in with the big bold letters on the title which is the main focus this is still other information on the page but the designer wanted the viewers to focus on the header. The second image is a movie poster and the emphasis is on the title Thor because it is bold and red and draws your attention the most and then they have the slogan in smaller letters and white so you can still read it but it is not the main focus on this image.
CONTRAST Contrast is the difference between elements in the text making something stand out more then others.
CONTRAST In the first image clearly a bunch of apples but there in one red mixed into all the green ones. You would usually think of contrast of being black and white but that is always the case and this picture is a great example. In the second image is more of a black and white example because you have a bunch of black images posted on a white background but then you have one “contrasting” image that is the yellow one that stands out from the rest.
ORGANIZATION Organization is the way in which elements are arranged to form unity ot the text as a whole.
ORGANIZATION The first image in one of the cover of a newspaper and you can see how they used the method of organization to create the lay out and for the convenience of the viewer the easiest way to read it. And the title is bold and at the top which is always a good way to organize something for convenience. The second image is a magazine cover and again the title is at the top and they laid out all the most popular stories on the cover so you know what is going to be inside the magazine before you buy it.
ALIGNMENT Alignment is how things line up in a text.
ALIGNMENT In the first image this is the layout of the website tumblr in which I think they did a good job with how this page flows together and that all the images fit together when you scroll down and all the links are off to the side and easy to find. In the second image is a photo of a bunch of chairs which are all perfectly in line with each other and say for example these were chairs set up for graduation and they were not in line how would that give on an appearance to the friends and family attending? Not good which is why alignment is important.
PROXIMITY Proximity is how close in space things are to each other in a text
PROXIMITY The first image is of a webpage where they are using good use of space and they have enough room so that you can still maneuver through it but that its not too spaced out making in not visually appealing The second image is of the place where I get my tattoos they have a small place and they have a lot of imagery on their walls to decorate but because of the context behind the images it works but they could be a little better at spacing things out because it could make it feel smaller and cramped in there is there is too much going on
COLOR Color is the choices on pigment that is used in a text in terms of vibrancy.
COLOR For the first image I used the wsu homepage and they are using the color red appropriately because that is the school color. And they have minimal color elsewhere. For the second image I used a web template in which uses a lot of color which would be good in you were creating more of a fun webpage but not so good for a serious manor.
ELEMENT Element is the placement and relation of the elements in a text for the meaning for the whole.
ELEMENT For the first picture you can see a bunch of rocks on the beach but the fact that only the focus on on the rocks and the background is blurred the placement on the rocks and the angle the camera was at. The second image is kind of the same concept as the first but this is someone taking a picture on their phone and because the focus is on the phone that’s why the background in blurred and it gives it more meaning.
FRAMING Framing is the way we creating meaning to a text through the means of creating a border or even just having and image be centered.
FRAMING The first image is a man looking in the mirror and this is a good example because if offers the viewers a sense that they are close and the man looking in a mirror which is already in a frame which also help this image This second image is out of a window you can tell there is obviously more outside you cannot see which gives the viewer some imagination with the situation
SEQUENCING Sequencing is just how you are arranging things in a particular order in a text.
SEQUENCING The first picture is of cards that are spelling out love with the numbers are representing the letters in the right order. The second picture us of people spelling the word change and they are maneuvering their hand so that they can accurate represent the letters.