Modal Split Indicators Item 6.5 COORDINATING GROUP FOR STATISTICS ON TRANSPORT (CGST) 4 – 5 December 2013
2 Contents I. Policy relevance: 2011 Transport White Paper II. Modal split by distance class - What is needed - Preliminary results - TKM III. How the preliminary results were calculated? - Data availability per mode of transport - Progress made in 2013 IV. MSI: Way forward
3(10) I. Policy relevance 2011 Transport White Paper Ten goals for a competitive and resource-efficient transport system, thus including: - a shift of 30% of road freight transport over 300 km to other modes such as rail or waterborne transport by 2030, and more than 50% by majority of medium distance passenger transport (>300km and <1000km) should go by rail by 2050 Eurostat and DG MOVE acknowledge the importance of: Developing MSI by distance classes
4 II. MSI by distance class: what is needed underlying datasets of the five main transport modes (road, rail, iww, air and maritime) in tkm/pkm, following the principle of 'territoriality' these data broken down in distance classes of above/below 300km geographical scope for all modes should be the same: national and international intra-EU transport
II. MSI by distance class: Preliminary results TKM (1) For Intra-EU27 in 2010, 28% was performed on journeys under 300 km, 72% on journeys over 300 km of distance 5
II. MSI by distance class: Preliminary results TKM (2) For Intra-EU-27 transport (based on TKM), the distance- class split for 2010 per mode of transport: under 300 km over 300 km Road 43.5%56.5% Rail 23.4%76.6% IWW 56.5%43.5% Air 1.1%98.9% Maritime 3.1%96.9% (rail and iww distance split is based on provisional methodology) 6
II. MSI by distance class: Preliminary results (3) Share of TKM per mode in total of 'under 300' km 7 In 2010, for intra-EU27, among all freight journeys of under 300 km: 83% were performed by road, 6% by rail, 7% by inland waterways and 4% by sea. Only a very small fraction (0.003%) was done by air.
8 In 2010, for intra-EU27, for all freight journeys over 300 km of distance, the image is very different: 49% was done by sea, 41% was done over roads. Rail had a share of 8% whereas inland waterways took 2%. Again, the share of air is very limited (0.1%). II. MSI by distance class: Preliminary results (4) Share of TKM per mode in total of 'over 300' km
III. MSI by distance class: freight data availability (1) Road reported in the framework of the relevant EU legal act (tons, tkm) by nationality of haulier 'territorialisation' possible on the basis of journey- related records + distance matrix of webIlse split under/over 300 km of distance is possible Progress in 2013: re-calculation of 'teritorialised' data for according to the new WebIlse; analysis of differences in old/new distance matrices
III. MSI by distance class: freight data availability (2) Maritime data are based on detailed port-to-port data. These data are declared with the tonnes forwarded between the two given ports on the basis of the distance matrix, TKM figures can be calculated TKM data for port pairs under/over 300 km have been compiled Solution for a territorial attribution of tkm at country level is currently sought
III. MSI by distance class: freight data availability (3) Air similar to maritime: data based on airport-pairs TKM data are generated by multiplying ‘weight’ times ‘distance’ (distance matrix available) Distance-class information can be compiled Progress in 2013: WG (June 2013) agreed to Eurostat proposal for territorial attribution of TKM at country level in a similar way as for the road
12 III. MSI by distance class: freight data availability (4) Inland waterways respecting the principle of territoriality, data are reported on the basis of the region of loading and the region of unloading (at NUTS level 2) data are available both in tonnes and TKM Estimates by distance class done 'manually case by case' but distance matrix is needed Progress in 2013: IWW WG agreed on voluntary port-to-port data collection (in tonnes) Eurostat to proceed with creation of European wide distance matrix
III. MSI by distance class: freight data availability (5) Rail Tkm data are available, 'territorialisation' principle is respected Data useful for distance class calculation: Annex F of Regulation 91/2003 (NUTS 2-to-NUTS 2 pairs), reported only every five years and only in tonnes /passengers/ Temporary solution: use of road webIlse but needed at least the distance matrix at NUTS Level 2 (with 'reference rail station' in that NUTS region) Progress in 2013: Rail WG agreed on building distance matric at NUTS2 level and the use of Annex F data (data at 5-year interval + estimating the rest of the series) 13
IV. MSI by distance class: Way forward IWW: Develop a distance matrix Air: Develop a tool for average ‘great circle’ distances between airports but also indicating territories overflown (allowing for 'territorialisation' at national level) Sea: 'territorialisation' at national level still to be discussed Rail: currently discussing possibilities to create a distance matrix Road freight: 'teritorialising' series for First draft of feasibility report "MSI by distance classes for passenger transport" available by the end of December Considering dissemination of MSI for freight transport for 5 modes (rail, road, IWW, air, sea) at intra-EU level 14
15 Thank you for your attention!