Gender and Human Security in Post-Conflict Pakistan: Policy implications of local, gendered perceptions of security and development Ingrid Nyborg Noragric, UMB
NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Institutional Collaboration/Capacity Building Dept. of International Environment and Development Studies, Noragric: Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB) –Project Leader (Ingrid Nyborg), 1 PhD student, Research Assistant Dept. of Development Studies, Comsats University (CIIT), Abbottabad, Pakistan –Project leader (Bahadar Nawab) 2 PhD students (1 male, 1 female) Local partners: HUJRA (Swat), and Rozan (Islamabad) Network building: informing and including relevant actors in Swat, KP, nationally, internationally (Embassy, UN Women’s Network) Gender and Human Security in Post-Conflict Pakistan 2
NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Main Objective To explore, using the concept of human security, how women and men's local experiences and understandings of insecurity, vulnerability and development relate to security and development discourses, policies and programs in post-conflict (post-disaster) situations. Gender and Human Security in Post-Conflict Pakistan 3
NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Research Questions: –How do women, men and communities experience and cope with different kinds of insecurity (i.e. food, environmental, political, economic, health and personal) as they pursue their livelihoods in post-conflict contexts. –How do they perceive the role of state and non-state institutions in contributing to, preventing or mitigating different types of conflicts? –How do state and non-state institutions perceive their roles and responsibilities in securing women and men in local communities –What implications does a local understanding of human security have for integrating gender into security and development discourses, programs and policies? Gender and Human Security in Post-Conflict Pakistan 4
NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Methodological challenges Mainly qualitative –Question guides, focus group and key informant interviews and discussions Variable security situation and periods of limited field access for foreigners requires flexible, innovative data collection approaches –Capacity-building of a broad base of local field staff and students in qualitative methods (conflict sensitivity) Gender and Human Security in Post-Conflict Pakistan 5 – Continuous series of analysis workshops in Swat, Peshawar, Abbottabad, Islamabad Findings?