English proverbs as a means for understanding of the country’s culture Student: Kayukova Yulya Research supervisor : Glotova M. V. Research supervisor : Glotova M. V.2012
There are a lot of proverbs in the English language. They reflect important typical values of their nation. Proverbs are a part of folklore, history and traditions. And this causes the actuality of the theme. Actuality
Hypothesis Aim It is necessary to study proverbs to understand other country's culture and language. The aim of my report is to examine proverbs and to prove their importance in understanding of the English national character.
To identify the sources of proverbs in the English language. To study and compare English and Russian proverbs. To prove or refute the suggested hypothesis. Purposes
A proverb is a simple saying based on long experience. A good face is a letter of recommendation. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Definition Definition
Sources of English proverbs Sources of English English proverbs proverbs Age-old Borrowedfrom the Bible Borrowedfrom foreign foreignlanguages
Age-old English proverbs show traditions and history of the country, for example: Good wine needs no bush. Age-old English proverbs
Proverbs borrowed from the Bible, for example: Wash one's hands Forbidden fruit is the sweetest Proverbs borrowed from the Bible
A lot of English proverbs were borrowed from foreign languages, for example: An iron hand in a velvet glove.(Greek) Through hardship to the stars. (Latin) Proverbs borrowed from foreign languages
The scientific research on comparison of the proverbs in the English and Russian languages
Proverbs chosen for comparison in the English and Russian languages The glass is always greener on the other side of the fence. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. It rains cats and dogs. It rains cats and dogs. The devil is not so black as he is painted. The devil is not so black as he is painted. No news is good news. Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. Appearances are deceitful. Appearances are deceitful. Rome was not built in a day. Rome was not built in a day. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. There is no smoke without fire. There is no smoke without fire. Don’t outrun the constable. Don’t outrun the constable. If ifs and ands were pots and pans. April is the cruelest month. April is the cruelest month. There's no room to swing a cat.
English and Russian proverbs in comparison (I group) Russian equivalent Literal translation Literal translation There is no smoke without fire (English proverb). Нет дыма без огня (literal translation). Нет дыма без огня (Russian equivalent). Samemeaning
English and Russian proverbs in comparison (II group) Russian equivalent Russian equivalent Literal translation Literal translation A cat in gloves catches no mice (English proverb). Кот в перчатках мышей не поймает (literal translation). Без труда не вытащишь и рыбку из пруда (Russian equivalent). Same meaning meaning
English and Russian proverbs in comparison (III group) Russian equivalent Russian equivalent Literal translation Literal translation It rains cats and dogs (English proverb). Льёт кошками и собаками (literal translation). Льёт, как из ведра (Russian equivalent).
I studied the history of the English proverbs and found that there are three sources of proverbs. After comparison of the proverbs in the English and Russian languages I found that English proverbs are difficult to translate. Based on the results of my investigation, I identified thr ee methods of translation of the English proverbs. I proved my hypothesis that it is necessary to study proverbs to understand other country's culture and language. Proverbs make the language bright and diverse. It becomes more emotional and alive. Conclusion
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