What is Malaria? What is malaria ? · Malaria is an infectious disease caused by a parasite, Plasmodium, which infects red blood cells. · Malaria has infected humans since the beginning of mankind. · In 1889, R. Ross discovered that mosquitoes transmitted malaria. · four common species that cause malaria: -Plasmodium falciparummalaria - Plasmodium vivax, - Plasmodium malariae, - Plasmodium ovale most serious type is Plasmodium falciparummalaria. It can be life-threatening. The other three common species of malaria are generally less serious and are usually not life-threatening.
How does plasmodium lives in people? The mosquito is a carrier of the sporozoites of the Plasmodium in his salivary glands. When it bites to the person, the sporozoites goes to the liver. Then it transforms into merozoites, and break out the red blood cells, so the person gets very sick, and shows the first symptoms of malaria, this is known as paroxym.
How is malaria spread? ·Malaria is spread by female mosquitoes. ·parasite enters the bloodstream via the mosquitoes saliva. · A pregnant woman can pass malaria onto her baby. · Having a blood transfusion.
Who is affected by malaria? Children and pregnant women are the most affected. 40% of people lives in affected countries. Every year, 300 to 700 million people gets malaria and 1 million to 2 million die.
What are malaria symptoms and signs? Malaria Complications. Celebral Malaria. Blackwater fever. Pulmonary edema. Very low blood of sugar. Hemolysis. Coagulopathy. Malaria symptoms.
How soon do symptoms occur? ·The time between the infective mosquito bite and the development of malaria symptoms can range from 12 to 30 days depending on the type of Plasmodia involved. One strain of Plasmodium, called P. vivax, may have a prolonged incubation period of 8 to 10 months. · When infection occurs by blood transfusion, the incubation period depends on the number of parasites transferred but is usually less than two months.
What is the treatment for malaria? .Three main factors determine treatments: - The infecting species of Plasmodium parasite - The clinical situation of the patient - The drug susceptibility of the infecting parasites ·Mild malaria can be treated with oral medication ·severe malaria requires intravenous drug treatment and fluids in the hospital.
How to prevent malaria. There are three ways to prevent malaria: Control mosquitoes. To conduct a good vector control. Keep mosquitoes from biting. Wear long pants and shirts with long sleeves. Wear mosquitoes repellent and use mosquito net. Take Malaria to keep getting sick after a bite. Reduces the the way of contract malaria, but it does not always work.
José Antonio Moreno and Sandra González. Created by: José Antonio Moreno and Sandra González.