Open Standards that Open Markets™ © Open Applications Group AIA Migration Work Group Scott Nieman Land O’Lakes April 20, 2016 Copyright 2015 Open Applications Group, Inc.
Open Standards that Open Markets™ Agenda Proposed Scope NOT in Scope Key Deliverables Summary Working Group Members Planned Schedule Assumptions, Dependencies, and Issues Outside Resources Next Steps
Open Standards that Open Markets™ Proposed Scope Provide an intake, review and migration process for Oracle submission of Application Integration Architecture (AIA) ‘core’ Enterprise Business Object EXSDs. Identify overlaps with existing OAGIS capabilities Identify capabilities that would benefit OAGIS Prioritize work effort based on actual industry use Import into Semantic Refinement staging tables for conversion Selectively convert to 10.x Provide generalized mappings from AIA to OAGIS for migration; review of submitted subsets of actual used EBO XML nodes
Open Standards that Open Markets™ What is NOT in Scope Detail mapping specifications between EBO and nouns Oracle’s domain specific EBO, which are not part of the submission Oracle EBMs; the work effort is noun centric Oracle EBM-based WSDLs: these do not follow OAGIS design rules Oracle PIP EBOs may be reviewed but not supported
Open Standards that Open Markets™ Key Deliverables Summary Comparative Analysis of in-use EBOs to existing nouns Import into Semantic Refinement DB Screens (UI) to compare / association content Detailed actual XPATH usage documentation Updated nouns New nouns
Open Standards that Open Markets™ Working Group Members Scott Nieman, Land O’Lakes Mike Rowell, Oracle David Connelly, OAGi Boonserm Kulvatunyou, NIST Others?
Open Standards that Open Markets™ Planned Schedule Process definition Review of Land O’Lakes subsets May 2016 Solicit Oracle AIA customers as new OAGi members May 4 Receipt of EBO content June 2016 (?) Staging table design August 2016 Import of EBO XSDs into staging tables October 2016 Analysis UI December 2016 Selective conversion to 10.x tables February 2017 Release new nouns iteratively, not a big bang
Open Standards that Open Markets™ List of Anticipated EBOs AccountBalanceAdjustment AccountGLElementValueSet AccountingEntry AccountingPeriod AdvanceShipmentNotice AssignmentGrade AssignmentGradeLadder AssignmentGradeRate BankAccount BatchProductionOrder BillOfLading BillOfMaterials BillOfMaterialsConfiguration BlanketPurchaseAgreement BusinessCalendar BusinessUnit Calendar ChartOfAccounts Check Classification ClassificationScheme CreditMemo CurrencyExchange CustomerInteraction CustomerParty DebitMemo DemandForecast 8 © Open Applications Group, 2011 All Rights Reserved Department DisbursedPayment EngineeringChangeOrder FreightTerm FulfillmentOrder FundTransfer FundTransferSchedule GLElementValueSet InstalledProduct InventoryReservation InventoryTransaction Invoice Item ItemBalance ItemComposition ItemCost ItemFormula ItemLot ItemLotBalance ItemStructure Job Location ManufacturingRouting ManufactureItemComposition MarketingOffer PayableInvoice PaymentTerm Person PickList Position PriceList ProductionPerformance ProductionRecipe Project ProjectExpenditureItem ProjectFinancialPlan ProjectResourceRateSchedule ProjectResourceSet Promotion ProvisioningOrder PurchaseOrder Quote ReceiptAdvice ReceivedPayment RequestForQuote Requisition ResourceAvailabilityCalendar ResourceCalendarEntry SalesObjective SalesOpportunity SalesOrder SalesPlan SalesQuote ServiceRequest Shipment ShipmentAdvice ShipmentPlan ShipmentReceipt ShipmentRequest ShipmentUnit Specification SpecificationGroup SpecificationValueSet SupplierParty TalentProfile TalentProfileContentGroupType TalentProfileContentItem TalentProfileContentType TalentProfileInstanceQualifierSet TalentProfileRatingModel TalentProfileType Task TimeSheet TransportationSalesOrder TransportationStop Worker WorkOrder
Open Standards that Open Markets™ Assumptions, Dependencies and Issues Assumptions –Sufficient staffing –Access to Semantic Refinement DB Dependencies –None known Issues –Need to announce at Oracle CAB to elicit AIA customers to participate
Open Standards that Open Markets™ Outside Resources Required None known at this time
Open Standards that Open Markets™ Next Steps Decision on Work Group Policy Board Call for Participation Schedule 1 st Meeting Set up Google Drive to share
Open Standards that Open Markets™ AIA Migration Work Group Signature Page By signing this Project Definition you are agreeing to make a contribution to this Working Group The scope of the contribution is constrained to the scope definition in this Project Definition. The complete definition of a contribution and the terms under which the contribution are made is described in the OAGi Intellectual Property Policy, which is available on our web site at This page can be scanned and ed to or faxed to OAGi staff at +1 (770) Authorized Signature Name Printed Organization Name Date