Sustainable Infrastructure – Some Thoughts on Financial Sustainability and its Implications Presentation to the Infrastructure and Transport Session of the Thriving Neighbourhoods Conference - Melbourne 13 November 2012 Stephen Alchin Executive Director, Planning
Sustainable transport requires choices to be made Sustainable infrastructure, especially in the transport sector requires strategies and decisions around: o Which projects to develop (i.e. choices between projects) o What is done (i.e. choices within projects, e.g. in relation to scope, design, construction, etc) 2
Governments have increased funding – though fiscal consolidation foreshadows a shift 3 $M Australian Government land transport outlays to (nominal $) Blue bars show actuals. Orange bars are estimates from budget.
Challenges become greater in the longer term 4 Deficit in current terms of c.$40B per annum by 2050, excluding interest costs Similar challenges at the State/Territory level.
Implications for engineers and other professions? Advocate for rigorous planning – hope and hubris is no substitute for rigorous, transparent planning. Take a long view – what are the decisions we need to being taking today to maximise the prospects that Melbourne in 2060 (or 2100 will be sustainable. Think about staging and scaling of projects Understand the opportunity costs of your decisions. Advocate for land use and transport integration – big projects need to be complemented by commensurate land use changes. 5