ECE-C662 [Knapp, “Behavioral Synthesis” Prentice-Hall 1996] HDL Descriptions –Behavioral Processes Behavioral Compiler (BC) schedules processes but not concurrent statement Use wait statements inside the process Reset: insert a loop exit statement after each clock edge Asynchronous resets Wait until (ck’event and ck=‘1’) or (reset’event and reset=‘1’); if reset=‘1’ then exit reset_loop; end if;
main : process variable i: integer; variable uk: signed(7 downto 0); begin reset_loop: loop uk1 := (others => '0'); uk2 := (others => '0'); wait until clk'event and clk='1'; if (reset = '1') then exit reset_loop; end if; a1 := params; wait until clk'event and clk='1'; if (reset = '1') then exit reset_loop; end if; a2 := params; wait until clk'event and clk='1'; if (reset = '1') then exit reset_loop; end if;
ready <= '1'; wait until clk'event and clk='1'; if (reset = '1') then exit reset_loop; end if; outer: loop while (start /= '1') loop wait until clk'event and clk='1'; if (reset = '1') then exit reset_loop; end if; end loop; wait until clk'event and clk='1'; if (reset = '1') then exit reset_loop; end if; uk := din; ready <= '0'; yo1 := mult_2s(yk1, a1, clk);
for i in 0 to 1 loop -- latency wait until clk'event and clk = '1' ; if (reset = '1') then exit reset_loop; end if; end loop; dout <= yk(26 downto 19); wait until clk'event and clk = '1' ; if (reset = '1') then exit reset_loop; end if; while (start /= '0' ) loop wait until clk'event and clk='1'; if (reset = '1') then exit reset_loop; end if; end loop;
wait until clk'event and clk='1'; if (reset = '1') then exit reset_loop; end if; ready <= '1'; end loop outer; wait until clk'event and clk='1'; if (reset = '1') then exit reset_loop; end if; end loop reset_loop; end process main;
I/O modes –Cycle-fixed Mode HDL specified I/O timing BC does not schedule timing Latency of straightline code –No single-cycle operation drives a multiple-cycle (e.g., memory access is multiple cycles) –Multiple-cycle can only drive output write Loops While (not ready) loop wait unitl ck’event and ck=‘1’; end loop; -- Illegal no wait dataout <= data;
While (not done) loop wait unitl ck’event and ck=‘1’; end loop; -- Illegal no wait While (not ready) loop wait unitl ck’event and ck=‘1’; end loop; Superstate-fixed mode –Order of I/O operations omitting the number of clock cycles between operations –Rule 1. Any I/O write in a superstate goes in the last cycle –Rule 2. Any I/O read in a superstate can take place in any cycle in the superstate
While (not ready) loop tmp := inport; -- I/O read wait until ck’event and ck=‘1’; wait until ck’event and ck=‘1’; outport <= data; --illegal end loop; –In the above Rule 1 is violated –Rule 3: Thisport <= something; -- illegal no wait loop thatport <= anything; wait until ck’event and ck=‘1’; end loop;
–Rule 4: No I/O write between exit and the last clock edge before the exit Busy: While (strobe) loop wait unitl ck’event and ck=‘1’; thisport <= something; -- illegal If interrupt then exit busy end if; end loop; Storage := thatport;
IIR Filter synthesis reports and design optimization –Test bench –Reports Timing Summary: 10 cycles of latency Operation schedule FSM –8-cycle sample cycle –Reduce the latency in the for loop resulted in 5-cycle sample cycle –Decrease the clock period From delay report the multiplication is the bottleneck Use pipeline multiplier –35 ns sample cycle and 5 cycle latency