1 細胞骨骼( cytoskeleton ) 細胞骨骼是存在於生物體細胞質內的絲狀 構造( filamentous structures ),主要有微 絲( microfilaments )、中間絲 ( intermediate filaments )及微小管 ( microtubules )等三種,每一種都是由蛋.


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Presentation transcript:

1 細胞骨骼( cytoskeleton ) 細胞骨骼是存在於生物體細胞質內的絲狀 構造( filamentous structures ),主要有微 絲( microfilaments )、中間絲 ( intermediate filaments )及微小管 ( microtubules )等三種,每一種都是由蛋 白質為次單位( protein subunits )所組成 的聚合物( polymers )。

2 Cytoskeleton

3 功用 細胞分裂 細胞移動 組成細胞質 細胞內胞器( organelles )的移動 維持細胞形態 參與細胞胞飲作用( endocytosis )、 細胞外泄作用( exocytosis )、細胞膜 的柔韌度( flexibility )及結構 ( topology )。

4 細胞骨骼之分類 微小管( microtubules )微絲( microfilaments )中間絲( intermediate filaments ) 構造 Hollow tubes; wall consists of 13 protofilaments Two intertwined strands of actin Hollow tubes; wall consists of 4-5 protofilaments 大小 25 nm with 15 nm lumen4-6nm8-10 nm 組成 α-tubulin and β-tubulinG-actin5 different proteins (Each class has its own monomeric unit) 功用 1.Cell motility 2.Chromosome movement 3.Organization of cytoplasm 4.Disposition and movement of organelles 5.Maintenance of cell shape 6.Determination of plane of cell division in plant cells 1. Muscle contraction 2. Cytoplasmic streaming 3. Amoeboid movement 4. Cell division 5. Maintenance of cell shape 6. Changes in cell shape 1.Tension-bearing elements 2.Maintenance of cell shape 3.Retention of muscle fibrils in register 4.Strengthening of nerve cell axons

5 中間絲分類 種類分子量 * ( kDa ) 分佈及標記之組織 Keratins45-68Epithelial cells Neurofilaments68, 145, 200 Neurons (CNS and PNS) Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) 51Glial cells (astrocytes and ependymal cells) Vimentin57Mesenchymal cells Desmin53Muscle

6 定 義 免疫組織化學染色 ( immunohisochemistr y )是一種利用抗原 - 抗 體( antigen-antibody interactions )作用而標 示生物體細胞或組織 成份( antigens )的技 術 。 GFAP

7 Cytokeratin

8 Vimentin

9 Desmin

10 Neurofilament

11 Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)


13 Avian brain reaggregating cell culture

14 Avian brain reaggregating cell culture

15 PM change Swiss cheese appearance


Tissue microarray and sausage slide 17

Pathologic Cellular Reactions to CNS Diseases Dr. Chen-Hsuan Liu Graduate Institute of Molecular and Comparative Pathobiology National Taiwan University

19 Contents General structure Neuron Glia Neuronal necrosis Malacia Wallerian degeneration Demyelination Axonal degeneration

20 General structure Neuroparenchyma – Neurons and their processes, axons and dendrites. Stroma consists of neuroglia and forms most of the brain mass. It is arranged in irregular crisscrossing glial fibers that are palely eosinophilic on H&E. ( Neuropil 神經氈 )

21 Gray matter Neurons and some glia. – Cortex of the cerebral hemispheres – Cortical layer of the cerebellum Collections of neurons termed nuclei. These are primitive areas in the ventral cerebrum (e.g. caudate nuclei, lentiform nuclei), brain stem (e.g. red nucleus and substantia nigra), and cerebellum (e.g. dentate nuclei).

22 White matter Neuronal processes with their myelin sheaths and glia. Myelin is dissolved and not visible in routine H&E preparations. Special stains ( Luxol-fast blue-cresyl echt violet; LFB- CEV ).





27 Neuronal inclusions Neurons may contain lipofuscin, iron, mineral, and lipid vacuoles that are normal or age related.

28 Neuronal lipofuscin, K9

29 Neuronal lipofuscin, sheep

30 Periodic-acid Schiff (PAS) for lipofuscin

31 Neuronal vacuolation, BSE Transmissible spongiform encephalopathy

32 Cerebral mineralization, mice

33 Vonkossa stain for cerebral mineralization, pig

34 Melanosis