Where 21 st century economics belong... Lauren Tang Why Invest in China?
- With over 1.3 billion people in China, it holds around 20 percent of the world population. - First time in history the urban population of China exceeds rural population and further in the next two decades more are to be urbanized. - Such a large population means a huge amount of unemployment, jobs are needed frantically. - China is looking to become further westernized therefore western countries may have great chance in investing in this area. Socio-cultural
₋ Fastest growing country economically. ₋ Worlds second largest economy. ₋ Strives to be leader in Innovation and Science by the year 2049 ₋ Transport in China is growing rapidly and for convenience and urbanization. ₋ China is extreme in the amount of consumers for Mobile, social media and Entertainment. It is almost always a success to invest in this area. Technological and Economical
China’s Government understands the severity of pollution in China and are starting to become extremely focused and encouraging a better awareness in this area. Investing something in which may decrease the pollution or encourage citizens to better habits further is always welcomed and considered in China nowadays. Environmental
Since 2014 Chinese president Xi has planned the “five year plan” from where China will rapidly go ‘global’ in all aspects. This brings great opportunities for companies all over the world looking to expand their products and services into large consumers such as China. Legal issues in China has always been major because of the population, community wise this is a big con however when involved in business many legal issues in places such as America or Australia simply don’t exist in China making many goals and achievements which are dreams in some countries become a reality to reach towards. Politics and Legal
Ethically, business in China is extreme ethically. Unlike places like the US, when involve in business in China, some ethical issues you may not need to worry about in other countries will catch you and possible make you fall in China as some things which are ethically wrong around here are not only ethically acceptable but also encouraged and taught in China. This is a negative but in contrast same things can be applied towards our investments and businesses as long as we are able to make a clear difference between what is Legally acceptable and what is Ethically acceptable. Ethical