FrequentlyAskedQuestions About the 3/4 Team at BCS
How is BCS different than other schools? Multi-age classrooms (3rd and 4th, 5th and 6th, 7th and 8th) Students loop with teachers for two years Two-year cycles of curriculum Emphasis on teamwork and collaborative learning Product and performance-based assessment Academic challenge built into daily activities Integration of technology, 21 st Century Skills, and Global Connections in all classes
How is BCS different than other schools? Character Education is integrated school-wide.
How is BCS different than other schools? Our discipline policy is designed to teach children to make responsible decisions and to accept the logical consequences of these decisions. Consequences are fair and logical. We practice Love and Logic. All discipline is individualized to meet the needs of each student.
How does the 3/4 multi-age classroom work at BCS? 3rd grade and 4th grade students work on curriculum together throughout the day. The only subjects for which the grades are separated are math and Spanish.
How does the 3/4 multi-age classroom work at BCS? Our curriculum is delivered on a two-year cycle that rotates between Year A and Year B. Over the course of two years, students cover all 3 rd grade curriculum and all 4 th grade curriculum.
How does the 3/4 multi-age classroom work at BCS? To meet the unique needs of all individual learners, teachers differentiate the curriculum by offering a variety of activities throughout each unit. Students have the same teacher for TWO years!!
There are no desks. Where do students keep their materials? Each child has their own locker, cubby, and mailbox. Students learn to organize many materials inside of their cloth zip-up binder, which travels with them throughout the day.
My child needs academic challenge. What does BCS have to offer? Challenge/Enrichment/Extension Activities are incorporated within all of our regular units, in daily lessons, and are available for all students. In general, there is a difference between our curriculum and that of traditional schools. We pride ourselves on offering learning opportunities that involve higher level thinking on a daily basis. Challenge & Enrichment involve the student making choices to match his/her individual interests and/or learning style.
Is there a lot of homework at BCS? The curriculum is rigorous and includes higher-level thinking activities. There is homework every night. Some homework assignments are given on a weekly or two-week schedule. Parents will not see as many isolated worksheets as in more traditional schools.
What is Choice Hour? Choice Hour is an integral part of our school day and allows students to explore a variety of topics that involve academics, technology, the arts, community, games, or sports. It runs from 3:15 to 4:00 every school day.
When do 3/4 students use technology? All classroom teachers plan lessons that integrate technology, project-based learning, and 21 st Century Skills. All 3/4 students have an Engage class, twice a week for 90 minutes total, taught by teachers who are experts in educational technology. Additionally, the class’ Engage teacher co-teaches in the 3/4 classroom with the homeroom teacher, twice a week for 90 minutes total, focusing on lessons integrating technology across all subjects. Students experience a seamless technology experience that is directly linked to the curriculum, taught collaboratively by a team of educators.
What are 21 st Century Skills? G.E.E.K.ed = Global Education Engaging Kids BCS believes in learning-centered curriculum designed to emphasize: Collaboration Communication (reading, writing, speaking, listening) Creativity Critical Thinking (Inquiry and Problem Solving) Reflection Digital Citizenship :
What technology is available to 3/4 students? Every classroom has an interactive whiteboard and a document camera. The 3/4 team has 6 laptop carts, each with 15 laptops. The 3/4 team shares an itouch cart that has 10 itouches with educational apps. Each classroom has several digital cameras and flip video cameras. BCS has three computer labs with desktop computers. All BCS students are welcome to bring devices from home, including laptops, ipads and other tablets, netbooks, itouches, etc.
How do 3/4 students use technology? Software and programs used at BCS include: Daily Homework Blog Microsoft Office (Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Outlook) Photostory Digital still cameras Digital video cameras (flip) Numerous Internet-based learning resources
How can 3/4 parents be involved with their child’s learning? Every 3/4 teacher blogs daily with information and ideas to keep parents connected to the classroom. You will always know exactly what your child did at school each day. There are many volunteer opportunities throughout the year. 3/4 teachers enjoy communicating with parents and value your involvement in your child’s education.
What are the 3/4 teachers’ favorite aspects of BCS? “The technological resources available at BCS provide students and staff with the most interactive and engaging learning environment.” ~Mrs. Maliszewski~ “The 3/4 teachers all work together to provide the best for kids!” ~Mrs. Frishman~ “I really love that we incorporate character education into our ‘everyday.’ It has helped my students become caring and responsible leaders at BCS and at home.” ~Mrs. Harvath~ “I love the camaraderie of the 3/4 team, the incredibly supportive staff, and the wonderful children that we work with each day! I love the energy of BCS!” ~Mrs. Butzin~
What are the 3/4 teachers’ favorite aspects of BCS? “All of our staff members are professional, hard-working and, above all, caring.” ~Mrs. Davis~ “I value our community of parents, students, and teachers and how we all collaborate to create an exceptional learning experience.” ~Mr. Seley~ “I enjoy our curriculum. It is designed to engage students and to provide them with choices. Our curriculum is rigorous and involves higher level thinking skills.” ~Mr. Wallington~ “The flexibility we show as a staff and the flexibility that we expect of our prepares them for the 'real world.’” ~Mrs. Parkin~
Thank you for watching the 3/4 Team’s presentation. Teachers, parents, and students are available throughout the 100 and 200 halls to answer any questions that you have about BCS and to show you our classrooms.