Essential components of SLICT
Vision We believe it is absolutely essential that every member of the school recognises the role that ICT is playing and will play in the development of students, staff, school and the community.
Vision We aim to: Improve ICT resources to transform teaching and learning and raise standards. Improve community access of ICT and support the Language college status. Develop virtual learning locations so that learning takes place in and out of school. Motivate and engage learners through the power of ICT in order to improve the learning climate in school. Provide equal access to services. Improve communication as well as storage and dissemination of information.
Implementation roles
Changes in Leadership member of LT and Head of IT 2007 Strategy Group 3 year-plan Distributed Leadership ICTAC group Involvement of all members of LT Governors involvement
Strategic role of the Leadership Team Head meets with Strategic partners (Network Manager, Head of IT, Assistant Heads 1 and 3) Deputy –i/c Training and development + line manages IT department Ass. Head 1 – i/c Resources, Curriculum and timetable and line manages Network Manager Ass. Head 2 – i/c Language College + line manages Business Studies Ass. Head 3 – i/c Assessment and data Ass. Head 4 - Teaching and Learning, targets Ass. Head 5 – i/c ICTAC, Vocational development Interest in development of Communication Ass. Head 6 – Pupils, Inclusion, Attendance and Behaviour
STAFFING IT technician Network and systems manager appointed in January IT technicians Website developer since May 07 Focus on ICT skills for all staff at interviews
Staff Development Head on SLICT (Feb. 04) Internal TeamSLICT Teamwork – variety of strengths and skills 3 Training days (Spring 04, 05, 07) On-going in-house training (IWB, Web pages, Moodle, etc) IT staff trained in CISCO and DIDA ECDL (25 staff)
Resources 2003 130 PCs 3 rooms with IT equipment 4 IWB 15 Laptops for teachers 15 admin 2007 391 PCs for T&L - 11 rooms with IT equipment, at least 1 PC in every teaching room 2 video editing suites, 1 Music Technology room, 1 Language lab. 57 IWB 63 laptops for teachers, 1 tablet PC – meetings 50 laptops (mobile) 40 admin PCs 2 plasma screens – entrance and staffroom Videoconferencing Digital cameras in departments 4 digital video cameras (ML, Media, PE, General) Quizdom voting pads Wireless coverage – currently 1/3 of the school
Management and administration 2003 SIMS, BROMCOM, Leeds Behaviour database, various spreadsheets, BT telephone system 2007 SERCO –Information system - Assessment, Curriculum planning and timetable, Behaviour database, Registration, e.portal, CCTV and telephone systems– monitored on admin. network
Community Use/Communication Pupils and staff can access their work area from home (80/86 teachers have own home PC and staff have a school laptop) Parents can access own daily records – attendance, Timetable, events School Website and Partnership website Website for Comenius project - 4 countries contribute to the same website Staff and Students can each other, parents use regularly User groups for students to share ideas
What next? STRATEGY/VISION Monitor use of resources and impact of ICTAC Review plan, Produce a 3-year plan in line with the School Improvement Plan and cost it accordingly Refining of behaviour database HOME/COMMUNITY USE Development of website and VLE Parents access to own records and reports Home access to be developed for staff to set work and for non-attenders (VLE) Laptops for post-16 students
What next? TRAINING ECDL –more Staff and pupils More staff time for development of resources More Training planned for RESOURCES Whole-school Wireless coverage Upgrade of hardware More laptops for teaching and support staff P.A. around school Plasma screens in Dining Room and Post-16 centre
Issues Where is the money going to come from for updating of resources? Ensure that ICT is a tool for learning. The more kit we have the more IT support staff we need. Specialisation/pay of IT technicians
SLICT inner triangle
Leadership and management Are the roles in your school matched with appropriate responsibility? What do you need to do ensure that the above areas are covered by appropriate staff?