Dyslexia GTN 302/3 Community Nutrition & Dietetic Service Practicum SATESH BALACHANTHAR DIETETICS 3 YEAR
What is Dyslexia ? Dyslexia is the name for specific learning disabilities in reading. Dyslexia is often characterized by difficulties with accurate word recognition, decoding and spelling. Dyslexia may cause problems with reading comprehension and slow down vocabulary growth. Dyslexia may result in poor reading fluency and reading out loud. Dyslexia is neurological and often genetic. Dyslexia is not the result of poor instruction. With the proper support, almost all people with dyslexia can become good readers and writers. (Levy, 2013)
What are the effects of Dyslexia ? Trouble with reading & spelling Struggle to write/ tell from left to right Trouble with complex language skills and in-depth writing (grammar & comprehension) Difficult for people to express themselves clearly Struggle to understand when people talk to them Big impact on persons self-image (Levy, 2013)
Causes Causes: Genetics Risk Factors: A family history of dyslexia Individual differences in the parts of the brain that enable reading (Mayoclinic.com, 2011)
Warning Signs By Age Young Children Trouble With: Recognizing letters, matching letters to sounds and blending sounds into speech Pronouncing words, for example saying “mawn lower” instead of “lawn mower” Learning and correctly using new vocabulary words Learning the alphabet, numbers, and days of the week or similar common word sequences Rhyming School-Age Children Trouble With: Mastering the rules of spelling Remembering facts and numbers Handwriting or with gripping a pencil Learning and understanding new skills; instead, relying heavily on memorization Reading and spelling, such as reversing letters (d, b) or moving letters around (left, felt) Following a sequence of directions Trouble with word problems in math Teenagers & Adults Trouble With: Reading at the expected level Understanding non-literal language, such as idioms, jokes, or proverbs Reading aloud Organizing and managing time Trouble summarizing a story Learning a foreign language Memorizing (Levy, 2013)
Treatment The school will develop a plan with the parent to meet the child's needs. The plan may be implemented in a Special Education setting or in the regular classroom Direct approach may include a systematic study of phonics. Specific reading approaches that require a child to hear, see, say, and do something (multisensory), such as the Slingerland Method, the Orton-Gillingham Method, or Project READ can be used.
Computers are powerful tools for these children and should be utilized as much as possible. Compensation and coping skills should be taught. Attention should be given to optimum learning conditions and alternative avenues for student performance. Influenced by the attitudes of the adults around dyslexia children. Alternatives to traditional written assignments should be explored and utilized. (David Perlstein, 2013)
Reference David Perlstein, F. (2013). Dyslexia Symptoms, Causes, Treatment - What type of treatment is available for dyslexia? - MedicineNet. [online] Retrieved from: ype_of_treatment_is_available_for_dyslexia [Accessed: 5 Dec 2013]. Levy, J. (2013). What Is Dyslexia?. [online] Retrieved from: disabilities/dyslexia/what-is-dyslexia [Accessed: 5 Dec 2013]. Mayoclinic.com (2011). Dyslexia: Risk factors - MayoClinic.com. [online] Retrieved from: CTION=risk-factors [Accessed: 5 Dec 2013].