The Customer Access Strategy (CAS) Face to Face
Purpose of Presentation The Customer Access Strategy. Phase 1 of the Face to Face pilot. Phase 2 plans. The next steps.
Customer Access Strategy The County Council has adopted a corporate and ambitious strategy for managing and improving customer access. This strategy is the called Customer Access Strategy (CAS) and it is managed by the Customer Access Team.
Main influences/drivers Varney report (late 2006) – the need to change the channels through which services are delivered and to support citizens through this change, to move away from F2F and towards the Internet and the Telephone wherever possible. LCC’s Equality of Access report (late 2006) - research study which involved county wide consultation to identify how different customers preferred, or were able, to access services.
Four streams of activity Putting the Customer First –Adopting a Corporate approach to ensuring that Excellent Customer Service characterises all contact between the public and any County Council employee. Self Service –To enable people to access our services using electronic means and the latest technology.
Four streams of activity Telephone Contact –To provide access to all Lancashire County Council services through a centrally managed Customer Service Centre. Face to Face Contact –To provide access to all Lancashire County Council services through a variety of locally accessible service delivery points.
Face to Face Stream - Background The last of the streams to be developed. Lead responsibility transferred to Business Transformation Manager in April All three operational delivery streams are now managed by the Customer Access Team.
Target Audience Research has identified the following five groups as most likely to need F2F access: 1.Older People (65+) 2.Disabled people 3.BME citizens 4.Rural communities 5.Disadvantaged communities.
LCC’s approach Our aim is not to create new access points, but to: compliment & promote the use of the internet and telephony streams. identify & bridge the gap between the citizen and the above channels. reflect different community needs and use the resources available. contribute to other corporate strategies and local agendas. establish close links with key stakeholders and partners to ensure the most efficient and effective way of delivering the most costly of the channels.
Service Offer Levels F2F will look different in each community. It will be provided via a range of offer levels, based on analysis of the research and the need identified, including: –Pnet facilities –Direct dial telephones –Existing LCC staff trained to provide information to citizens using the available A-Z of information (i.e. Library staff). –Surgery sessions by mobile CSO’s, able to provide information as above but also to fulfil any service requests normally dealt with by the CSC (i.e. CIS, Highways, Blue Badges etc). –Permanently based CSO’s. –TellyTalk facilities.
Venues F2F will be offered in various venues, again informed by our target audience and their preferences, including: –District Council One-Stop-Shops –Libraries –Schools –Children’s Centres –Community Centres –Shopping Centres –Health Centres
Pilot study A project team is currently undertaking a pilot study to inform LCC’s future strategy. The study has been split into two phases. Both involve a team of CSO’s visiting venues to undertake the following tasks: –Service delivery, using mobile technology linked to central network. –Research of need, using citizen focused questionnaires. –Venue analysis, using 360 degree questionnaires and exit interviews.
Phase 1 Phase 1: Clarify the approach Develop branding County wide research Engagement Partnership Agenda links District trends/differences Analysis of findings Inform Phase 2 activity Inform strategy
Phase 1 - Progress All 12 Districts were covered. Nearly 200 leads were received. Over 60 venues were piloted. Over 800 citizens were consulted. All 12 District Councils were involved. Over 80 non-LCC partners/community groups have been or are involved.
Identified links to other strategies/agenda’s Locality agenda Community Cohesion Two-tiered working arrangements LEI (Accommodation Strategy) ACS Gateway Development Equality & Diversity CPA/DOT
Early findings Most people have access to a telephone and/or PC, although some need assistance in locating/using them. People’s “preferred method” changes depending on the service being accessed (e.g. school admissions). The venue profile and the ability to access a range of co-located services is a key consideration (life events/customer profiling). Transport issues and travel limitations are an issue (venue profiling).
Some statistics from phase 1 County wide : Over 70% were over 50 Over 70% were female Over 80% classed themselves as white, British 50% normally prefer to use the telephone 40% prefer to use Face to Face 70% were unaware of the Customer Service Centre (The Hub) Only 20% knew we had a website – of those only a third had used it and the others had no desire to use it. These are county wide statistics – we are currently looking at how this translates to target group, venue type and district etc.
Phase 2 Phase 2: District level (South Ribble & Chorley) Firm up & develop partnerships Test out theories/statistics Explore fixed/flexible model Identify technological needs Map LCC service access points Roll out training to identified LCC access points Cost the proposed model Inform strategy
Next steps The research findings are being further analysed and will be used to inform LCC’s future strategy. A information event is planned for 30/1/08. The draft strategy will be presented to County Management Board in March and Cabinet in April.
Purpose of Presentation The Customer Access Strategy, comprising the four service delivery streams. Phase 1 of the Face to Face pilot. Phase 2 plans. Outline the next steps.
And finally….. Questions?
For further information Karen Littlefair Business Transformation Manager Tel: