ALZHEIM ER a challenge for entire family
Alzheimer’s or dementia or other types of memory problems not only challenges the patient
but also the entire family
No doubt, Alzheimer’s patient care is overwhelming and devastating
But It is easy if you are aware of the external supports,
When is the time to move to a memory care facilities?
After a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s, you may be filled with a range of different emotions and worries
It may be about how the patient will change or how you can keep him comfortable or how the overall lifestyle will change.
With all the emotional traumas like shock, anger and grief, you have to adapt to the reality you have to adapt to the reality
As said earlier, it is not always easy to manage the Alzheimer’s patient, without help.
The patient may need overall supervision and total assistance to complete their day-to-day tasks.
Some of them may show aggressive behaviours and may affect your night sleep.
Every caregiver gets a different experience.
Although, you can hire somebody for in- home care.
it is not a bad thing to move them to a memory care facility, when they offer professional care
It may be hard to make such decision
but it is necessary if you are overwhelmed by fatigue and stress, which obstructs providing quality care
if the patient lives alone, consider this option as early as possible, by looking into the list published on the online senior care directories like DD Med Trans Inc.
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