Unit 1 Section 1 Part 6 FORGING THE NEW REPUBLIC
QUESTION Are political parties beneficial or are they damaging to a government?
1. WASHINGTON AS PRESIDENT Washington created the idea of a presidential cabinet -Sec. of State, Treasury, and War Some of the cabinet members disagreed, such as Alexander Hamilton and T. Jefferson Hamilton wanted a strong nat’l Jefferson wanted a strong state gov’t
Hamilton and Jefferson disagree about creating a national bank Jefferson the const. did not say anything about a nat’l bank, so you couldn’t make one -this is called Strict Constructionist Hamilton argued that const. didn’t say you couldn’t have one -this is called Loose Constructionist This led to the creation of the first political parties The Federalists led by Hamilton The Democratic Republicans led by Jefferson
2. THE FRENCH REVOLUTION After the American Rev., the French tried to follow America’s example The Dem. Rep. wanted to support the Revolution The Federalists were scared that America might get dragged into a Britain/France War Washington issued his Neutrality Proclamation From this point on, Presidents will look to Washington’s neutrality
3. THE WHISKEY REBELLION 1794, Hamilton passed a tax on whiskey This made farmers angry They attacked tax collectors and burned houses down Washington quickly used the militia to put down the rebellion This showed that the federal gov’t would not allow rebellion
4. JEFFERSON AS PRESIDENT Thomas Jefferson defeated John Adams in the election of 1800 Under Jefferson, the National government took measures to gain more power of the states
MARBURY VS. MADISON Supreme Court decision under Jefferson Established that the Supreme Court (Nat’l Gov’t) has the right to declare a law unconstitutional This is called Judicial Review
5. LOUISIANA PURCHASE Also happened under Jefferson Doubled the size of the U.S. Jefferson, then sent out a number of explorers to explore the land The most famous were Lewis and Clark On their journey, they met Sacajawea who became their guide They discovered many new Native Americans, plants, and animals and also mapped out the new land
CAUSES OF THE WAR OF , war broke out btwn Britain and Napoleon in France Both the British and the French blockaded American merchant ships Britain captured American sailors and forced them to fight the French This is called impressment Americans also discovered that they British were helping Native Americans attack U.S. settlers These things made Americans want to fight Britain
THE WAR OF 1812 The 2 nd time Americans fought the British Much of the war took place btwn along the border of Canada and the U.S. The British also set up a naval blockade of the U.S. coast In the final battle of the war, General Andrew Jackson w/ the help of a pirate, won the battle of New Orleans The Battle of New Orleans made Andrew Jackson a hero
EFFECTS OF THE WAR OF 1812 At the end of the war, both Britain and France signed a peace treaty No territories exchanged hands, but America had proved itself as a nation The war weakened Native American resistance It also boosted American manufacturing