Teddy Roosevelt’ Square Deal


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Presentation transcript:

Teddy Roosevelt’ Square Deal Chapter 17 Section 3 Teddy Roosevelt’ Square Deal

Theodore Roosevelt He has asthma as a child making him more determined to accomplish great feats His Rough Riders won publicity at the Battle of San Juan Hill Was the governor of NY and nominated to become McKinley's VP (gets him out of the state) McKinley is assassinated so Theodore becomes President He becomes the youngest president ever at 42 Non traditional President (boxed (blinded in left eye) , rode 100mi on horseback to say he did His bold actions in politics as well made him the leader of modern presidency Used a “Bully Pulpit” to influence the media and new legislation

The Square Deal Term referred to the various progressive reforms sponsored by Roosevelt's administration It was his plan for the government Included the 3 C’s Control the corporations Consumer protection Conservation of natural resources

Trust Busting 1900 4/5ths of industries in the U.S. were controlled by trusts (monopolies) Used unfair business practices Low prices to drive competitors out (then later raised prices) Sherman Anti-Trust Act made enforcement hard because of its vague language Roosevelt aimed at stopping the trusts that were bothering the public He filed antitrust law suits using the Sherman Ant Trust Act (44 in all)

Trust Busting Roosevelt's most popular trust bust was with the Northern Securities Company He ordered the Justice Dep. To sue them They had established a monopoly over the NW RR Company was dissolved in 1904

1902 Coal Strike 140,000 Miners went on strike in PA demanding They wanted a 20% pay raise, 9hr work day, and the right to unionize No negotiation was possible (unwilling) Roosevelt called both sides to the White House to settle the issue After the threat of Roosevelt taking over the mines himself the owners settled Miners won 10% pay raise, 9hr work day They had to give up a close shop (where all workers must be in the union) Also gave up right to strike within the next 3 years From here on it is understood that if the strike threatened public welfare than the government was expected to intervene

Railroad Regulation 1887 Interstate Commerce Act passed prohibiting RR companies fixing prices (controlling other businesses and the prices they set) Interstate Commerce Act was passed but had little enforcement capabilities Roosevelt passed Elkins Act in 1903 Made it illegal for officials to give and shippers to receive rebates Hepburn Act of 1906 limiting distribution of free railroad passes (form of Bribery) Also give power to ICC to set max RR rates Acts boosted Governments power to regulate the RR’s

Caring for the Consumer The Jungle written by Upton Sinclair highlighted multiple issues in the meat packing industry Sinclair's writing not only disgusted American consumers but it also initiated Congress Action 1906 Meat Inspection Act passed creating strict requirements in meat packing Government had to pay for the inspections Companies still not required to label their canned meat of expiration dates Meat packers also got the right to appeal negative decisions in court

Food Improvements Before standards were required businesses stated that their product did everything the product would have wanted it to Ex. Tylenol, Improves headaches instantly with not side effects! Curing Cancer, Curling Hair, etc. Children's medicine also contained opium, cocaine, and alcohol 1906 Congress passed the Pure Food and Drug Act Prohibited the sale of contaminated foods Truth in labels Did not outlaw harmful products The hope was that the people would see what it was in it and make better decisions

Roosevelt's Conservation Roosevelt's administration sparked a new era of conservation The nations natural resources (timber, minerals, etc.) were decreasing He sets aside 148 mil acres of Natural Forests Roosevelt also set aside 1.5 mil acres of water power sites Another 80 mil to explore for mineral and water sources Also established another 50 wildlife sanctuaries and National Parks Newlands Act passed in 1902 took money from the sale of public lands especially to create water power sites