Encoding Memories Maddie Decker, Jackson Hall, Jack Hummel, Marlo Ganter, Mitzy Hanford Jack
Encoding The processing of information into the memory system We process info by encoding its meaning, encoding its image, or mentally organizing it Example: extracting memory Mitzy
Visual Encoding The encoding of pictures and images Rosy retrospection - the negative emotion recalled from bad events fades more rapidly than the positive emotion recalled from good events Marlo
Acoustic encoding The encoding of sound, especially the sound of words Jack
Semantic Encoding The encoding of meaning, including meaning of words Processing a word more in depth The amount remembered depends both on the time spent learning and on how you make it meaningful Produces better recognition later Marlo
Chunking The organizing of items into familiar, manageable units Often occurs automatically Maddie
Mnemonic Devices Memory aids, especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices Also help organize material for our later retrieval Mitzy
Imagery Mental pictures Powerful aid to effortful processing, especially when combined with semantic encoding A memory of an event is often colored by its best and worst moment Maddie