RCC Preparations for ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

RCC Preparations for ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2014

Plenipotentiary Conference 2014 Preparation for ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2014 RCC Board meeting (15-16 of July, 2014, Astana, Kazakhstan) agreed on priority topics to PP-14 approved candidates to PP-14 chairmanship took account of proposals on candidates for PP-14 Elections RCC Commission on International Cooperation (26 of August, 2014, Baku, Azerbaijan) finalized 20 Draft RCC Common Proposals for the work of PP-14 based on proposals from RCC members took note of Common Proposals of other regional organizations Formal approval of RCC Common Proposals by RCC members - September, 2014 р. 2

Plenipotentiary Conference 2014 Draft RCC Common Proposals р. 3 General issues WSIS, on-line access to ITU publications, official languages of the Union, ICT definition, draft new decision on terms and definitions, Revision of ITRs Financial issues IMAC, Reserve account, clarification of the concept “Finances of the Union”, revision of interest rates levied on participants in respect of overdue contributions and other dues payable to the ITU budget, human recourses Confidence and security in the use of ICT Revision on Resolutions 130, 179 Internet-related issues Revision of Resolutions 102, 180 Telecommunications/ICT related issues Standardization gap, NGN, ICTs for people with disabilities, C&I, climate change

Plenipotentiary Conference 2014 General issues р. 4 WSIS  MOD Resolution 140 to renew ITU tasks following the WSIS+10 High level Event and other related events  SUP Resolution 172 as completed On-line access to ITU Publications  MOD Decision 12 according to Council Decisions on free on-line access to Administrative Regulations, Rules of Procedure, ITU-R publications (Handbooks) Official languages of the Union  MOD Resolution 154 to continue to ensure the equal use and quality of translation of documents into all six official languages  Special attention to ITU web-site

Plenipotentiary Conference 2014 General issues р. 5 ICT Definition  Draft New Resolution on Working Definition of the term “ICT”: “Technologies and equipment that handle (e.g., access, create, collect, store, transmit, receive, disseminate) information and communication” Terms and Definitions  Draft new decision, proposing definitions of the following terms: “Resolution”, “Decision”, “Recommendation” Revision of International Telecommunications Regulations  MOD Resolution 146: - support regular revision of ITRs every 8 years - next WCIT in instruct the ITU Council to take necessary decisions on preparatory process and agenda of the next WCIT  SUP Resolution 171 as completed

Plenipotentiary Conference 2014 Financial issues IMAC  Support to continuing IMAC work for the next four year till PP-18 (MOD to Resolution 162) Finances of the Union  Definition of the term “finances of the Union” into Article 28 of the Constitution and clarifications to other related provisions  To authorize the Council to make appropriate amendments to the text of the Financial Regulations and Financial Rules of the Union. Interest rates in respect of overdue contributions – Document 33 ADD.1  To delete from Convention provisions relating to specific values of interest rates to be charged on arrears  To instruct the Council to make appropriate amendments concerning the procedures for recovering debts in the ITU Financial Regulations and Financial Rules Reserve account  Maintained by systematic planning and transfer of a fixed amount р. 6

Plenipotentiary Conference 2014 Confidence and security in the use of ICT Revision of Resolution 130 on the role of ITU in confidence and security issues  ITU efforts and activities undertaken should be continued and strengthened  new references to Resolutions of UN GA, PP, WSIS+10 Final Documents  To instruct Directors of BDT and TSB to develop a Roadmap on Cybersecurity to identify roles and responsibilities of Member-States  To instruct Secretary General to report on memoranda of understanding (MoU) between countries, as well as existing forms of cooperation, providing analysis of their status, scope and applications (as agreed in Resolution 45 WTDC-14) Revision of Resolution 179 on child online protection  Support national, regional and international activities, measures, sharing of best practice and national guidelines  Continue standards development to strengthen child online protection approaches and techniques р. 7

Plenipotentiary Conference 2014 Internet-related issues Revision of Resolution 102 1) to strengthen the role and continue the work of ITU and Members States in Internet-related public policy issues:  to state the International Internet-related public policy issues (based on issues identified in Annex 1 to Council Resolution 1305)  to empower the CWG-Internet as a platform for Member-States with clear mandate to study and elaborate output documents on International internet-related public policy issues (e.g. best practice overview, reports, guidelines, etc.)  Secretary General and Directors of Bureaus to report regularly on their activities as input to CWG-Internet. The results of work should also be brought to attention of UN Group of Experts  to enable ITU and Member-States to take more active participation, along with other multistakeholders, in current discussions and mapping solutions on IANA stewardship transition р. 8

Полномочная конференция 2014 Revision of Resolution 102 2) further develop international legal norms and principles related to Internet Governance and raise this awareness to the attention of UN Secretary General  to state the awareness of the lack of international legal norms and principles related to the use of ICT in general and Internet Governance in particular, with participation of all States on equal basis  such international legal norms and principles shall continue to be developed under UN system  to instruct ITU Secretary General to bring this concern to the attention of UN Secretary General and to report to the UN GA  ITU to offer its cooperation to the UN and to express its interest in developing such norms on International Internet-related public policy issues р. 9 Internet-related issues

Plenipotentiary Conference 2014 Internet-related issues Revision of Resolution 180 on IPv4 and IPv6  transition to IPv6 remains a difficult task for many developing countries  at WTSA-12 many developing countries expressed interest for ITU-T to become a registry of IP addresses in order to give the developing countries the option of obtaining IP addresses directly from ITU (WTSA-12 Resolution 64)  as the ITU has unique role and value in bringing the benefit of telecommunications and ICT to developing and least developed countries, it is proposed to mandate the ITU to become an Internet Registry, specifically designed to serve countries in special need  this proposal, if implemented, could bring additional benefit and a more secure approach in obtaining and using IP addresses by developing and least developed countries to ensure stable and continues deployment of ICT infrastructure in their countries р. 10

Plenipotentiary Conference 2014 Telecommunications/ICT related issues Revision of Resolution 123 on standardization gap  To instruct Secretary General and Directors of Bureaus to contribute to the fastest development of guidelines on implementation of new techniques and standards, based on the existing ITU-R and ITU-T Recommendations, upon request from regional groups Revision of Resolution 177 on compatibility and interoperability  To contribute to combating counterfeit of ICT products and devices by creating a registry of ICT products identifiers for use by vendors and ITU Members  To continue development of standards on creating mechanisms to combat counterfeit  To continue cooperation with WTO and WIPO in this respect р. 11

Plenipotentiary Conference 2014 Telecommunications/ICT related issues Revision of Resolution 137 on NGN deployment  Continue work on NGN deployment, specifically on software defined networks Revision of Resolution 175 on access to people with disabilities  To encourage Member States to develop new ICT applications and products, specifically designed for people with disabilities  To create new learning possibilities for people with disabilities, including training of trainers, distance learning, etc. Revision of Resolution 182 on climate change  Support further activities of ITU related to elaboration and implementation of standards on energy-saving technologies  Explore and study other uses of ICTs for climate change, such as water resources monitoring and management р. 12

Plenipotentiary Conference 2014 PP-14 Elections Candidates from RCC member states ITU Council (Region С): Republic of Azerbaijan Kyrgyz Republic Russian Federation Radioregulations Board (Region С): I. Afendiev, Republic of Azerbaijan R. Nurshabekov, Republic of Kazakhstan V. Strelets, Russian Federation E. Khairov, Ukraine р. 13

Thank you!