The Multistore Model of Memory (MSM) Atkinson & Schffrin (1968)
BPA BrookfieldMemory: Week 32 MSM – The Diagram
BPA BrookfieldMemory: Week 33 MSM – The Info
BPA BrookfieldMemory: Week 34 MSM – Evaluation (Positive) There is plenty of evidence for separate STM & LTM stores: Serial Position Curve (Glanzer & Cunitz, 1966) which demonstrates Primacy (first words recalled well as they were rehearsed to LTM) and Recency (last words recalled well as still in STM) HM case study (Milner, 1966). Digit Span was fine but could not lay down new LTMs PET scans show diff brain areas active depending on whether STM (pre-frontal cortex)or LTM (hippocampus) is being used (Squire, 1992)
BPA BrookfieldMemory: Week 35 Amnesiacs caused by Korsakoff’s Syndrome brought on by chronic alcoholism display sound STM functioning but impaired LTM. Again suggests separate and distinct memory stores. Also some evidence of the accuracy of the MSM processes: Peterson and Peterson (1959) showed that when rehearsal was prevented, info could not easily pass to LTM. MSM – Evaluation (Positive)
BPA BrookfieldMemory: Week 36 MSM – Evaluation (Negative) One STM & one LTM? Maybe not..
BPA BrookfieldMemory: Week 37 MSM – Evaluation (Negative) Is Rehearsal important? Maybe not.. Flashbulb Memories (Brown & Kullik, 1977) are ‘snapshots’ of key personal events which seem to go straight into LTM without the need for rehearsal or
BPA BrookfieldMemory: Week 38 MSM – Evaluation: Parting Shot And finally: Therefore the MSM is REDUCTIONIST!
BPA BrookfieldMemory: Week 39 Using research in Exam answers… You must ensure that you fully explain how the study supports or refutes the model in question For example for some AO1 marks, you may have shown on your diagram and explained the MSM feature of rehearsal, ie. repeating and revisiting info in order to maintain it in STM and get it into LTM A paragraph of rehearsal AO2 might look like this…
BPA BrookfieldMemory: Week 310 The MSM emphasises the importance of rehearsal, and indeed this is supported by P&P’s Trigram study (1959) which shows that when repetition of the trigram is prevented, it rarely passes into LTM. However, this research is challenged by Craik & Lockhart (1972) who found that depth of processing was more important for getting info from STM to LTM than rehearsal. In addition, Brown & Kullik (1977) proposed the existence of Flashbulb Memories which bypass STM & rehearsal via a special neural mechanism which kicks in during times of high emotional arousal. This also refutes the need for rehearsal as it seems in these cases none was needed to get new memories into LTM.
BPA BrookfieldMemory: Week 311 Possible Exam Questions… 1. Explain the differences between duration, capacity and encoding in relation to memory (6 marks) 2. Explain the difference between acoustic and semantic similarity.(2 marks) 3. Identify 6 pieces of info about the MSM (6 marks) 4. Explain what is meant by maintenance rehearsal. (2) 5. Outline 2 pieces of research evidence that supports the distinction between STM and LTM. (3 +3 marks) 6. Give a brief account of the STSS (4 marks) 7. Outline one case study related to the study of memory (2 marks) 8. Describe the primacy and recency effect (2 marks)