Learned Behavior A.4
Learned behavior develops as result of experience Describe what a learned behavior is. a. New patterns of behavior acquired as a result of experience. Explain an example of learned behavior. a. The ability to learn language is innate but the specific language is learned.
Reflex conditioning involves forming new associations Define reflex conditioning- a. Forming new neural pathways in the brain as a result of experience. Describe an example of reflex conditioning. a. Birds learning to avoid certain insects by color,
Pavlov’s experiments into reflex conditioning in dogs Briefly explain Pavlov’s conclusions. a. He found that dogs would secrete saliva due to signals such as a ringing of a bell, flashing light, etc 1. These are conditioned stimuli and conditioned responses.
Imprinting is learning occurring at a particular life stage and is independent of the consequences of behavior. Describe Konrad Lorenz’s research on imprinting. a. Lorenz showed that young geese will attach themselves to a large object other than their mother and follow it around. 1. Imprinting in the geese occurs around hours after hatching.
Operant conditioning is a form of learning which consists of trial and error experiences Compare and contrast reflex conditioning and operant conditioning. a. They are both types of learning. Reflex conditioning is initiated by the environment and experiences that occur before the response, operant conditioning is initiated by the animal testing out a behavior pattern and changes that occur after a response. State an example of operant conditioning. a. A dog receiving a treat after being asked to sit.
Learning is the acquisition of skill or knowledge List some examples of learned behaviors. a. Walking, talking, playing an instrument, etc
Memory is the process of encoding, storing and accessing information. Define encoding- a. Converting information into a form that can be stored in the brain. Define accessing- a. Recall of information to be used in the thought process. Compare and contrast long and short term memory. a. Long term memory can be retained for indefinite periods of time.