Unit 5 The third Period Listening
burning clothes broke bones bleeding choking snake bites nose bleeds bruising sprained ankle Listening P39 1.What topics does the teacher ask questions about? Circle the correct ones.
2. Match each picture with a topic listed in question 1 above. sprained ankleburning clothes a nose bleed choking
a nose bleed Sit down and bend forward slightly. Squeeze his nose just below the bridge until the bleeding stops. Why must she do so? the blood runs out of his nose and not down his throat. If you swallow blood you might be sick.
burning clothes Stop him from running around as that makes clothes burn faster. Tell him to drop to the ground and then wrap him up tightly in some heavy cloth—wool is best. Roll him along the ground until the fire goes out.
choking But if he can’t cough, I’d bend him forwards and give him four quick, hard slaps between the shoulder blades with my hand.
sprained ankle I’d get him to sit down and then put some ice on his ankle to reduce the swelling. I’d get him to put his foot up on a chair. Then I’d bandage his ankle up firmly.
Listen to the conversation between a mother and the operator and complete the table. Name of caller Sarah Grant Telephone number Address What has happened Number of people involved Listening on P Loft Street, East Horton Mrs Grant’s daughter fell from a table and maybe has broken her leg. One (Mrs Grant’s daughter)
1. Do you think that Mrs Grant should have rung the emergency number or should she have just taken her daughter to the doctor? Give reasons for your answer. Listen again and answer them. The former would be a wise choice. The daughter’s leg would become worse if the mother tried to move her.
2. How do you think Mrs Grant was feeling when she made the phone call? She must be very worried, concerned, nervous, anxious, in a panic, terrified, upset.
3. Why do you think the operator was speaking so slowly and calmly? To try and calm Mrs Grant down To make herself clearly understood To get down the necessary information
4. What would have happened if Mrs Grant had hung up the first time she said goodbye? The operator would not have got her address and the ambulance would not have arrived asap.
O: E___________. Can I help you? G: You’ve got to help me--my daughter’s had an accident. I don’t know what to do. O: Now_____ ______. Tell me your name and phone number----slowly. G: Umm… Sarah Grant. Oh, you’ve got to send an a___ ________ now. O: Yes, I will. Now take a deep ________and tell me your phone number. G: Yes, yes… O: Good. Now tell me what’s happened. G: Well, my daughter was __________on a table in the kitchen and was_______up to the top ________ and she fell. Now she’s on the floor. Her leg looks _________--maybe it’s broken. And she _____ her head----she’s unconscious. I’ve _______ at her but she won’t wake up. Oh, please hurry. O: Yes, we will… G: Oh thank you, thank you. Goodbye… O: [interrupts] No, no, don’t _______ ___--we need your address. Fill in the blanks with the words you hear. mergency calm down mbulance breath standingreaching cupboard strangehit shouted hang up
Number the boxes to show the correct order of the pictures. Writhe an instruction under each picture. Listening task on P73
Check if conscious Put into recovery position
Check if breathing Clear airway
Blowing into mouth and watch for breathing Check pulse
Put into recovery position Continue rescue breathing
Rescue breathing A first aid teacher is giving a lesson on rescue breathing. Before you do rescue breathing, first you have to check whether the person is unconscious. Is it OK if I use you to show everyone, Lucy? Thanks. Listening text
Lie on the floor, Lucy, close your eyes and pretend to be unconscious. I’m going to try to get her to respond to me. Are you OK? What’s your name? open your eyes. Gently shake her by the shoulders. If she doesn’t respond, she’s unconscious.
Now put her in this position---it’s called the recovery position. First place her arm straight out on the ground and bend her other arm across her chest. Like this. Bend the near leg up. Then roll her away onto her side.
Tilt her head backwards and turn her face downwards a bit so that any liquid can run out of her mouth and her tongue can fall forward. Check that the airway---the passage from the mouth to the lungs---is open. So clear anything away from the inside of the mouth with your finger.
Now check for breathing. See whether her chest is rising and falling. Also place your cheek close to her face and listen and feel for air coming from the nose and mouth. Let’s say Lucy is not breathing. Now you have to start rescue breathing. Roll her onto her back and tilt her head back.
Squeeze her nose with your fingers to stop air coming out of it. OK Lucy you can get up now. I’ll do the rest on the dummy. Place your mouth completely over the victim’s mouth. Keep her head tilted and blow into her mouth for one and a half to two seconds. Watch her chest rise and then fall.
Take another breath and blow into her mouth again. Next, check her pulse on the side of her neck. If there is a pulse, check her breathing and if there’s still no breathing, continue the rescue breathing at 15 breaths a minute.
After about one minute, check the pulse and breathing again. Continue this process until the victim begins to breath on her own or medical help arrives. When she’s breathing on her own again, put her in the recovery position. Now, if there isn’t a pulse, you have to…