CYTOTEC TABLETS Cytotec is one of the FDA approved abortion pill and it is used for medical abortion between 4 to 12 weeks of pregnancy.
BUY CYTOTEC PILLS Womens seeking medical Abortion can buy cytotec tablets from online pharmacies. Cytotec tablets contain 200mcg of Misoprostol which acts as anti progesterone hormone helps in medical abortion between 4 to 9 weeks of pregnancy. Cytotec is a secondary medicine used for medical abortion after consumption of primary medicine Mifepristone . Store the pill in dry places at 30 degrees celcius.
WORKING OF CYTOTEC ABORTION PILL Cytotec Tablets contains 200mcg of Misoprostol, it acts as anti-progesterone hormone makes the uterus to contract and making the already fragile and broken uterus lining to succumb from pressure. It intrude with cervix thickness and causes the delicate parts of fetus to come out from womb. Pregnancy Parts are removed from the uterus along with vaginal bleeding after abortion occurs.
DOSAGE INSTRUCTIONS OF CYTOTEC Cytotec pill for abortion comes in a pack of 12 tablets. Each Pill contains 200mcg of Misoprostol. Women's are advised to place 4 tablets under their tongue for half an hour before intake them without help of water. Avoid grinding or chewing the tablets. After first intake, prolong an interval of 3 hours, repeat the same step and again start taking another set of 4 more Cytotec tablets. Repeat the same Procedure for remaining 4 tablets.
SIDE EFFECTS OF CYTOTEC TABLET Vaginal bleeding is obligatory action after the intake of this tablets. The Cytotec pill gives shrinkage in uterus, so abdominal pain will cause initial discomfort but stops at the end of the process. During this process headache, vomiting, tiredness, dizziness are the most possible mild side effects. If the bleeding does not occurs or any side effects exists for a long time seek immediate medical help.
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