Teacher Tube Teacher Tube -Educational mini clips, movies -Tutorials e.g. ‘how to podcast’ -Students and teachers can upload mini clips
* Inspired Talks by the world’s greatest thinkers and doers. TED.com
You TubeYou Tube You Tube Video Converters
Blogs – (Web log) a blog is a web site that is usually used as an individual journal and is publicly accessible. ( Blogs – (Web log) a blog is a web site that is usually used as an individual journal and is publicly accessible. ( * WordPress Used to assist blogging. WordPress
WikisWikis – (meaning “quick” in Hawaiian) A collaborative web site allowing many authors to edit and modify the content. (
Podcasts for educators Audio (sound file) that can be automatically sent to your computers, stored in ipods, media players or mobile phones. Audio can be placed on web sites etc. Educational use: Recording lessons Recording lessons Capturing songs, chants, cheers created by studentsCapturing songs, chants, cheers created by students Sharing interviewsSharing interviews Language lessons etc.Language lessons etc.
RSS Feed Automatically keeps up with changes that are happening in other websites. Automatically keeps up with changes that are happening in other websites. R - Really S - Simple S - Syndication Educational Feeds DirectoryEducational Feeds Directory Educational Feeds Directory Educational Feeds Directory The Feed Directory, a way to browse for RSS, RDF and ATOM feeds.
Social Bookmarking – tag sites e.g. del.icio.us Furl diigo
Social Networking Sites Facebook My Space Ning (Create your own social Networking for anything Me.edu.au (online professional network for educators)
Microsoft Communicator Free Download: Edumail Password Instant Messaging Video Conferencing
Tom March
Voki -
** Vodcasting Uploading video onto a webpage. The Teachers Beehive: This site has useful advice on how to integrate ICT into your classroom using vodcasting. Vodcasting
**Voicethread Create an online media album and add your voice to images, text, webcams, presentations, digital stories, videos and documentaries. Voicethread
**Slideshare Upload PowerPoints and other media and share with others (can be embedded in a blog) Slideshare
**Google Docs Online planning and collaboration with multiples users of the same document at the one time including text, spreadsheets and presentations. **Google Docs Online planning and collaboration with multiples users of the same document at the one time including text, spreadsheets and presentations.Google DocsGoogle Docs
** Flickr-Sharing photos. Groups can either be public, public (invite only), or completely private. Every group has a pool for sharing photos and videos and a discussion board for talking. ** Flickr-Sharing photos. Groups can either be public, public (invite only), or completely private. Every group has a pool for sharing photos and videos and a discussion board for talking.
** Twitter Using a mobile phone twitter really works when you’re away from your computer. By hooking up your mobile phone, you can receive updates from friends. Twitterhttp://twitter.com/Twitterhttp://twitter.com/
Go2Web20 The Complete Web 2.0 Directory
In Education Currently have Scratch Scratch Game Maker Game Maker
Comic Strips
Build your Wild Self
ICT for Visualising Thinking Mind mapping sites Bubble usBubble us - online mapping tool. Mind maps can be embedded or stored on a blog or website. Mind MeisterMind Meister - MindMeister is a tool to manage and share your mind maps online and can be used for real-time brainstroming sessions. MindomoMindomo - Mindomo is a web-based mind mapping tool to create and share maps. Mind42Mind42 - Mind mapping alone or with others.
Intel Visual Thinking Tools
Create online Surveys SurveyMonkey or PollDaddy
ICT Resources