ACES User Interface Workshop #1 Prototype Inspection 22. November 2011
This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed. ASTRIUM 13 June 2016 Page 2 ToC 1.Purpose 2.Schedule 3.Site Introduction 4.Comments, Inspirations, and Ideas 5.Evaluation Results 6.Conclusions, Action Items
This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed. ASTRIUM 13 June 2016 Page 3 1 Purpose Presentation of a short manual to access and use the ACES prototype user site (Astrium, SAS) Invitation to familiarize with the site (User) Invitation to provide comments, inspirations, and ideas (User) Collection and evaluation of the inputs (Astrium, SAS) Conclusion of the evaluation (Astrium, SAS, User) Definition of Action Items
This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed. ASTRIUM 13 June 2016 Page 4 2 Schedule 2011-Nov-22Teleconference to start the workshop 2011-Nov-22 to 2011-Nov-27Site exploration period 2011-Dec-08Collection and evaluation of the inputs 2011-Dec-09Teleconference to conclude the workshop * Presentation of evaluation results * Definition of action items
This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed. ASTRIUM 13 June 2016 Page 5 3 Site Introduction Preferred browsers: Firefox 6+, Chrome Log In 3.2Start Page 3.3Overview Page Organization 3.4Monitoring of ACES 3.5Data Access currently no useable data available naturally please check handling and format of the site
This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed. ASTRIUM 13 June 2016 Page Login Screen just click “login”
This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed. ASTRIUM 13 June 2016 Page 7 3.2Current Start Page contains the ChangeLog of the software will be replaced in the final version
This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed. ASTRIUM 3.3 General Overview 13 June 2016 Page 8 Menu (not all items will be visible to everyone) Main application area, changing depending on what is selected from the menu. System status overview (will not be visible to everyone) Software version
This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed. ASTRIUM 13 June 2016 Page Discover Monitoring Offers near realtime access to: Flight Segment status MWL Ground Terminals status Orbitography Center status Pass visibility
This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed. ASTRIUM 3.5 Discover Data Access 13 June 2016 Page 10 Offers access to archive data: Flight segment raw and calibrated telemetry and command history Orbitography data PHARAO – SHM clock comparison Space to ground clock comparison Science data and publications approved by IWG
This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed. ASTRIUM 13 June 2016 Page 11 4 Comments, Inspirations, and Ideas Your comments, inspirations, ideas please click to „help“ and enter your text into the wiki or send it to format: doc, txt, rtf, xls, pdf, xml, html
This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed. ASTRIUM 13 June 2016 Page Wiki Internet address: user names and passwords will be provided during the kick-off meeting
This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed. ASTRIUM 13 June 2016 Page Wiki The wiki will contain documentation for the ACES website. Organized in three sections: Website user manual ->describes all the options of the web application. ACES Products -> contains the description and the format of all files that are stored in the ACES Archive. Use cases -> gives instructions on how to perform specific tasks by specific user category. The Wiki like the website is work in progress!
This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed. ASTRIUM 4.3 Workshop wiki page For this Workshop, there is a special wiki page intended to collect comments. The Workshop wiki page can be accessed in the “Featured links” module on the left bar. Please add content to the Workshop wiki page and create new pages starting from there. Please feel free to add comments to any existing page. Wiki editing help can be accessed from the Help menu. 13 June 2016 Page 14
This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed. ASTRIUM 13 June 2016 Page 15 5 Evaluation Results Results will be provided by a report generated after the exploration period all comments will be investigated how to be realized distribution of the report to all participants presentation and discussion of the results in a telecon on Dec-09
This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed. ASTRIUM 13 June 2016 Page 16 6 Conclusions, Actions priority definition of improvements schedule of realization methods of further inspirations of improvements