Scotland – Minimum Unit Pricing, the story so far 2007: SNP Government 2009: New Alcohol Strategy, following WHO guidelines, including MUP 2012: MUP entered into law 2012: Notification to European Commission 11 member states and Commission submitted opinions – 9 broadly against, Austria ambivalent, Ireland in favour Appeal in Scottish Court – found in Government’s favour 2013: Second appeal – referred to European Court of Justice (ECJ) for opinion – Public Health and subsidiarity 2014 – ECJ invites parties, Commission and member states to offer opinions – technical issues related to Common Agricultural Policy and wine introduced 2014: Eurocare and NGO coalition swing into action, including “Scotland the Brave” event
The MUP Campaign in Europe 0Q4l4
Submitted in support: Finland Netherlands – opposed in 2012 UK– no change Ireland– no change Sweden – Oral Norway EFTA - Oral Outcomes so far: Submitted against: Bulgaria – no change Portugal – no change Poland – no change Spain - Oral Did not submit: Denmark – opposed in 2012 France – opposed in 2012 Germany – opposed in 2012 Austria – raised concerns in 2012 Belgium Czech Republic Estonia Latvia Lithuania
For example: No evidence for effectiveness Punishes the ‘responsible’ majority for the behaviour of a few Tax would be better than MUP Regressive – unfairly affects the poor Everything’s getting better so no need for new regulation It’s illegal It’s going to damage Scotch Whisky, not cheap vodkas MUP – Challenging Lies & Misinformation R6c2ZXrlVw&feature=player_embed ded
The SWA may well make progress with its legal case; it may succeed in convincing European judges that its exports are threatened, and that competition law has been breached. But that success will come at a cost. It risks losing the popular support it has enjoyed for so long, undermining its image as a Scottish emblem. Faced with a choice between improved exports for a wealthy industry, and combating the diseases that make so many lives a misery, Scots will know which side they are on. July 2012
Shona Robison, Cabinet Secretary for Health & Well-being in the Scottish Parliament Alcohol debate, 4th June 2015: “I thank Alcohol Focus Scotland, Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems, the British Medical Association Scotland, Eurocare and the many advocacy bodies across Europe and the member states that have shown their support for many of our policies.” 3 rd September 2015: Advocate General’s opinion will be made public. Depending on what it says, we will plan next steps. Final decision back in Scotland. Thank you!