Native American Culture Learn Native American Culture, (i.e. Anasazi) Discuss Symbols Notice symbols we use Learn about Native American symbols through petroglyphs, rock art, and buffalo hides
Anasazi Indians: Pueblo Ancestors 2000 years ago the ANASAZI Indians lived in the cliffs of the Southwest Adobe bricks, warm in the winter, cold in the summer.
Mesa Verda, in Colorado, is one of the few places you can see where these people once lived.
Who were they?? Grew corn and beans Hunters and gatherers Made a lot of pottery Nomadic
Where did they go? No one really knows! Research has shown that around 800 years ago there was a long drought. Raising food and protecting it was difficult.
Far away glance Located in vast areas of weathered sandstone were Anasazis’ stone structures, hidden from the casual glance. The farming was done in the rich canyon bottoms below the canyon rim.
Valuables left behind Pottery and impressive city structures weren’t the only things left behind. Pictures created on stone walls are very valuable artifacts of the Anasazi history.
PETROGLYPHS The Anasazi left images painted on rock walls called PETROGLYPHS These handprints were made by painting wet white powder over their hands
How were Petroglyphs made? Some were chiseled into rock walls with animal antlers Some were etched with the acid juices form cactus plants
Petroglyphs Are Valuable Symbols Petroglyphs Are Valuable Symbols Symbols are pictures drawn very simply of things in nature, such as animals, plants, stars and people. Historians are like detectives. They study clues to learn about the past. See what kind of stories you can fine through the ancient rock art!
Why write on walls?? Some may have been doodling Native peoples offer that its deeper in meaning. Good for historians
Commonly seen Petroglyphs Spirals signify the suns movement The passing of time. Ritual Calendar –Often sunlight will shine on a spiral differently in the Spring than Autumn
Animal figures may have played roles in rituals or prayers for successful hunting This petroglyph is important to historians because this animal has been extinct for a long time.
Some petroglyphs represent a family, a clan, or a community of Native Americans. Corn plants may represent a successful harvest
This petroglyph reminds us of a clock, however there were no such things as clocks 2000 years ago! What else could it be?
Historians believe that this representation of a bird and a circle is a Native American symbol for peace.
Be a Historian! What do you think this petroglyph is?
Does this remind you of the petroglyph? What wouldn’t make sense about that relationship?
You’re a Historian What do you think that this petroglyph symbol means? Could we ever know for sure what it means?
Historian and Detective What about this petroglyph? What does it mean?
We use symbols today too! What does this symbol meant to you? How many objects make up this symbol?
More modern symbols This is an important warning symbol, what does it mean? Why is it important that his warning be in symbol form?
Symbols in modern art This is a famous painting by a artist named Andy Worhal. What is the symbol you see here? Why would an artist paint this symbol? Why would it be repeated?
Symbols on Animal Hides Northern Plains Indians wore large Buffalo hides for warmth They were decorated in similar petroglyph symbols. The symbols were both political and spiritual.
Buffalo Hides This is a woman’s buffalo hide. Women's buffalo hides had more geometric designs on them. The designs were thought to help with being a mother, and good feminine health.
Some Hides Illustrated Stories This buffalo hide is a historical recording of a special event. It could be a picture of a tribe traveling, hunting, or even in a battle. Valuable to Historians.
Very old Buffalo Hide This buffalo hide is called a Winter Count robe. It is a historical account of 131 years. Every year they paint a symbol on it to represent the year.
Our project Student example of a paper ‘Buffalo Hide.’ Look at all of the simple symbols painted neatly on the paper. What do you think this person likes?