Peoples of Oklahoma Sauk I
Peoples of Oklahoma To many people, Oklahoma is known as “Native America”. In truth, people from all over North America were relocated and removed to Oklahoma. Because the people brought here were from very different cultural, social, and linguistic groups, our state has an incredible amount of diversity. There are at least 39 (federally recognized) tribes represented in Oklahoma. (You can see a list of Oklahoma tribes prepared by the Oklahoma Historical Society if you’d like more info on Oklahoma tribes).
Languages of Oklahoma Oklahoma is considered one of the most linguistically diverse areas in the world! There are over 35 Native American languages spoken in our state alone! Many of these languages are considered endangered because very few people are learning them as their first language. If you would like to learn more about Oklahoma languages (including Sauk) visit the interactive map created by the Sam Noble Museum of Natural History’s Native American Languages Department: research/native-american-languages/map-of-oklahoma- languages/
Kîkâpôwaki Kickapoo
Shâwanôwaki Shawnee
Kâyowâhaki Kiowa
Châkitâhaki Choctaw
Chîkashâhaki Chickasaw
Pâtôhkâhaki Comanche
Shanahkîhaki Cherokee
Shânahpôhaki Cheyenne
Meshkwahkîhaki Mesquakie