Natural Disasters And The Decisions That Follow Coi Clarke MGNT 3300 Dr. Friedrich
When Disaster Strike Nationwide Jeff Rommel 40 billion in damages 850 million pay out JetBlue David Neeleman
Question 1 1.Insurance companies in the state of Florida earned record profits in 2006, suggesting in light of the calm hurricane seasons (in Florida) in that nationwide decision to cancel policies may have cost the company potential revenue and customer goodwill. Do you think Rommel’s Quote about making a “sound business decision” reveals any perceptual or decision-making biases? Why or Why not? yes he uses the availability bias because he made a decisions based on information that was provided to him instead of looking at the future. Where he could have made back the 850 million that he lost.
Question 2 2. In each of the three cases discussed here, which organizational constraints were factors in the decisions made? performance evaluation, Formal regulations, and System-imposed time constraints were all factors in the decisions that were made
Question 3 3.How do you think people like Rommel, Burgin, and Neeleman factor ethics into their decisions? Do you think the welfare of policy owners and passengers enter into their decisions? I do not believe ethics were a factor in the decisions made but I however do believe that the welfare of the customers were not taken into consideration.
Thank You!