Walmart Team Members: Reece Babin, Jordan Dier, Shaika Al-Mashaykhi, and David Losavio
Who is Walmart? ■ An American retail corporation operating in numerous countries around the globe. ■ Main focuses: grocery stores, discounted department stores, and hypermarkets According to the fortune 500 list, walmart is the world’s largest company by revenue and the biggest private employer.
Ch 1: Describe Walmart’s approach to disaster management. Walmart is well known for its responsiveness in the immediate aftermath of a natural disaster. In the early 2000s, after September 11th, Walmart established their own Disaster Management team, the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in Bentonville, Arkansas.
Ch 1: Describe Walmart’s approach to disaster management. Walmart is very serious about disaster management. The company deals with: Tornadoes, hurricanes, and other devastating weather related instances Fires Death in workplaces Flooding Etc.
Ch 1: Describe Walmart’s approach to disaster management. Three Priorities for Responding to Disasters: Take care of the brand’s people (employees and customers) Take care of the brand’s operations Take care of the communities surrounding the brand Departmental Organizations: ● Preparedness and Planning Sector ○ Deals with Emergency Procedures for the brand ○ Preparing Employees, Customers, and Members for Disasters ○ Training and conducting real world exercises ● Operations Sector: ○ Houses alarm center and EOC ● Recovery and Mitigation Sector
Ch 1: Describe Walmart’s approach to disaster management. Walmart Partners with numerous federal and state agencies DHS and FEMA through Private Sector Offices State emergency management agencies Professional organizations Business organizations Local Relationships maintained by field employees
Ch 1: Describe Walmart’s approach to disaster management. What does Walmart’s Disaster Management plan to accomplish? Educate associates and family members on the best actions to take during emergencies Continuous subtle messaging and how communication is key during disasters Targeted marketing and campaigns Recognition of efforts taken by employees Business to Business Relationships
Ch. 1: How can SDMI help Walmart do disaster management better? The Stephenson Disaster Management Institute, or SDMI, was started in 2007 as a direct result of Hurricane Katrina. LSU alumni Emmet and Toni Stephenson donated roughly $25 million to LSU and about $11 million was allocated to the institute as a result of LSU’s unique experience and outstanding performance during hurricane relief efforts. Ultimately, SDMI is used to assist with Emergency Preparedness in Louisiana.
Ch. 1: How can SDMI help Walmart do disaster management better? Walmart could utilize the assistance of the Stephenson Disaster Management Institute to help Walmart handle many different emergency situations that could arise in Louisiana. Walmart could utilize the assistance of the SDMI in the Preparedness and Preparation Sector and the Recovery and Mitigation Sector of Walmart’s Disaster Management team. Currently, the SDMI is working on initiatives by establishing a Transformational Technology and Cyber Research Center, Louisiana National Guard and SDMI Cyber Lab, Center for Business Preparedness, and a SDMI Enhanced School Safety Program.
Ch. 1: How can SDMI help Walmart do disaster management better? By utilizing SDMI’s initiatives, Walmart will be provided information on how to better their processes and procedures when managing disasters Provide better training for the team members at Walmart Help understand the risks and the importance of communication during a disaster Provide assistance and a collaboration with another team in order to be more successful.
Ch. 2: What is Crisis Commander? A software designed to restore businesses following disasters or everyday accidents Utilized in the London Subway bombing, Asian tsunamis and Hurricane Katrina Utilized in many different industries
Ch. 2: How can Crisis Commander help Walmart? Excellent disaster management and software systems Toughest disasters are hurricanes and Crisis Commander is equipped to handle them Could help Walmart in day to day incidents
Ch. 2: Walmart’s Crisis Management Systems Incident Management Website Emergency Information Line SendWordNow Weather related services
Ch. 3: Crisis Management ● Requires: The ability to predict any type of crisis that may occur and come up with a good solution to deal with it. How? > having a clear plan. ● A proper crisis management: reduces the possibility of an event to occur and the impact. ● An idea about the different types of crises/risks. Examples: Financial crisis (bankruptcy) Natural disasters (earthquakes, hurricanes) Technology issues( system failure) Political and social risks( threats to security, terrorist activity).
Ch. 3: Crisis Management
Ch.3 Emergency Management Department ● The response and recovery operations: handles the emergency operations center (24/7). This unit is organized using the ESF (Emergency Support Function) structure. ESF 1: Transportation. ESF 2 : Communications and information systems. ESF 3: Structure, waste, and energy. ESF 4: Operations. ESF 5: Emergency management. ESF 6: Associate Support. ESF 7: Emergency Merchandise. ESF 8: Donations Management. ESF 9: Public Safety and Security. ESF 10: External Affairs.
Ch.3 Emergency Management Department ● The Alarm Operation: Monitors burglar, fire alarms, emergency hotline. “Watchdog”: identify business disruptions, monitoring local & national new reports/ s reports from entities like EPA, FDA, national weather services and USGS.. * notifies the team of any trouble that occurs. ● Business Continuity: covers all planning(disaster recovery, business impact, analysis). ● Preparedness/Awareness: implementation, validation, testing of plans. provide training and exercises. responsible to educate associates. messaging via s, posters, television, and radio network...
Ch.3 Emergency Management Department ● Skills needed for the disaster/crisis management team memebers: Project management > helps the team coordinate and prioritize what is needed. strategic business development. Good knowledge of how the company’s system work & the technology that is provided to them to fulfill their tasks. Geographical information management. Risk management. Disaster Recovery Technologies. Cloud computing. Communication skills.
Ch.4: How Are Disaster Management Projects Identified in Walmart? Emergency Operations Center (EOC) located at their headquarters (Bentonville, AR) runs disaster management operations for the company focus on anything that could disrupt business continuity
Ch.4: Disaster Management Projects and the IS planning process Walmart’s Three Philosophies behind their IS Strategy: (1) Centralized Information system for all their operations (2) Common systems and common platforms (3) Be merchants first and technologists second