NORTHERN ADVANTAGES SOUTHERN ADVANTAGES › Population (22 million Northerners vs. 9 million Southerners, one-third of which were slaves ) › Industrial and economic superiority › Over twice was many miles of railroad › Superior navy › Better weapons › Strong federal government (Confederate govt. too weak and suffered from a lack of unity ) › Moral cause (Southerners lacked a reason to keep fighting) › Superior battle leadership › Defensive war strategy › Knowledge of terrain › Natural battlefield instincts (camping, horse- riding, hunting
Many Northerners pulled their gold and silver out of banks and refused to purchase government bonds because they feared a Union defeat Solution…Congress passed the Legal Tender Act : created a national currency and allowed the government to issue paper money (called greenbacks because of their color) Confederate government was met with opposition to war driven taxes so it printed paper money and caused heavy inflation
Because of their disadvantages in materials and population, the Southerners relied heavily on the prospect of European alliance and support The North, on the other hand, hoped that Europe would not officially recognize the CSA as a separate nation or intervene to support it Many Southern planters tried to pressure an alliance by refusing to export their cotton to Britain and France until they agreed to help Trent Affair : while traveling on a British ship (Trent) en route to a diplomatic meeting in England, Confederate diplomats James Mason and John Slidell were captured by a Union ship (San Jacinto) British demanded the release of the diplomats or aggressive action might be taken Lincoln released Mason and Slidell stating, "One war at a time."
Logistics : military science of moving and supplying an army (railroads and rivers extremely important) The North's grand strategy was to take advantage of their railroad superiority, diminish the few railroads used by the South, and take control of the South's major rivers Northern Strategy: Anaconda Plan › War plan developed by General Winfield Scott that was devised to " squeeze " the South in the following ways… Union naval blockade of all Southern ports to cut off supplies and isolate the Confederacy from European aid Taking control of the Mississippi to cut the South into eastern and western halves and thereby cutting off interior shipping Taking control of the Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers to divide the South into northern and southern halves Apply pressure on the Confederate capital and industrial power of Richmond
Mississippi River Tennessee River Cumberland River
The Confederacy planned to outlast the Northern will to fight in the same manner that smaller Patriot forces defeated the British in the Revolutionary War Southern Strategy: defensive war of attrition › Jefferson Davis' strategy to win the war by forcing the Union to spend its resources until it became tired of the war and agreed to negotiate Fight a defensive war Pick battles carefully; attack and retreat when necessary to avoid heavy casualties
Civil War generals were trained in the art of Napoleonic tactics… Best chance at winning came from maneuver and assault or "going on the offensive (attack)" Generals often led these offensives from the front lines Effective because smoothbore muskets were only accurate at short ranges (under 30 yards) and the bayonet was thus a very important hand-to-hand weapon These tactics generated high casualties because of innovations in weaponry Conoidal (cone-shaped) bullets and rifled muskets revolutionized the effectiveness of the rifle making it deadlier, more accurate, and increasing its range ( yards) Attackers no longer had the advantage but now defenders firing multiple volleys could tear apart an offensive As the war went on, armies began to dig more trenches and develop more barricades
1. Why does Robert E. Lee refuse to accept the position offered by the Union? 2. Describe the sentiment/emotions in the Virginia State House over the issue of secession. 3. What impression do you get from Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson in his performance as a teacher? 4. List a few factors mentioned or implied that helped young men determine which side they would fight for. 5. According to Jackson, what weapon will give victory to the South? 6. What can be concluded regarding Jackson's feelings toward the enemy? 7. What can be concluded regarding Jackson's spiritual beliefs? 8. Based on what you saw in the video, how did Jackson earn his nickname? 9. Why did the Union retreat at Bull Run? 10. After watching the first major battle unfold, what impressions of Civil War battles are you left with? How would you describe them?