North Carolina was part of a large land charter made in 1629 named Carolana. The land was not explored or settled until 1663, when King Charles II re-granted the region to 8 Lords’s Proprietors. Two different regions: From the beginning, the colony was divided into 2very different regions: North and South. The North did not have any safe harbors and less suited for large plantations. It also lacked deep rivers and was less accessible and profitable. The South was settled first with large plantations and deep water harbors.
Carolana Sir Robert Heath- Carolana Colony Attraction to the colony The Lord’s Proprietors War in England Land grants and owing debts Representation and rights of an Englishman
The First Counties The proprietors and their new land Creation of counties Albemarle, Clardeon and Craven pg A16-17 Government is established Government in the counties How leaders are chosen and what they did Political Parties are developed Prerogative Party Popular Party