Vocabulary Chapter 9 T/F Review
Inquisitive (adj.): questioning, curious, eager to learn T/F An inquisitive person would make a good game show (such as Jeopardy) host.
Inquisitive T/F An inquisitive person would make a good game show (such as Jeopardy) host. True. A person who asks a lot of questions would be well-suited for the job of game show host, such as Alec Trebec of Jeopardy.
Nebulous (adj.): indefinite, vague, unclear T/F Tax laws would seem nebulous to an IRS (Internal Revenue Service) agent.
Nebulous T/F Tax laws would seem nebulous to an IRS (Internal Revenue Service) agent. False. Tax laws would be clear to IRS agents since it is their job to study these laws and enforce them.
Depreciate (verb): to fall or decrease in value T/F A flaw or defect in a diamond would cause it to depreciate in value.
Depreciate T/F A flaw or defect in a diamond would cause it to depreciate in value. True. A diamond would be less valuable if it had a defect or flaw in it.
Relegate (verb): sent to; assigned to a less important place T/F If your car is brand new and in excellent condition, you should relegate it to the junk yard.
Relegate T/F If your car is brand new and in excellent condition, you should relegate it to the junk yard. False. If your car was old and broken down you would send it to the junk yard.
Replete (adj.): filled; plentifully supplied T/F If you take your dog to an expensive kennel during your vacation, you would expect that kennel to be replete with luxuries for your dog.
Replete T/F If you take your dog to an expensive kennel during your vacation, you would expect that kennel to be replete with luxuries for your dog. True. If you are paying a high price to board your dog at a kennel, you would expect the kennel to be filled with such things as pillows, toys, and treats, etc.
Bolster (verb): to support, hold up, strengthen T/F If you got rejection letters from all the colleges you applied to, your confidence would be bolstered.
Bolster T/F If you got rejection letters from all the colleges you applied to, your confidence would be bolstered. False. Receiving letters of acceptance to all the colleges you apply to would support or strengthen your confidence.
Indiscriminate (adj.): not chosen or selected carefully T/F If you are an indiscriminate shopper, you buy things that do not go together or that you may not even like.
Indiscriminate T/F If you are an indiscriminate shopper, you buy things that do not go together or that you may not even like. True. If you do not select items carefully, you may buy things you do not use or even want.
Tenet (noun): principle or belief T/F An admirable tenet of a company would be donating money to peace efforts.
Tenet T/F An admirable tenet of a company would be donating money to peace efforts. True. A company who has admirable principles or beliefs would donate money to charity.
Sedentary (adj.): involving much sitting or little exercise T/F The job of secretary or receptionist would be quite sedentary.
Sedentary T/F The job of secretary or receptionist would be quite sedentary. True. Sitting at a desk all day answering phones would not involve much exercise.
Terse (adj.): short, brief and clear T/F This would be a terse message for a gravestone: “Here lies Joe, beloved father, devoted husband, and respected businessman. He will live on in the hearts of all who knew him.”
Terse T/F This would be a terse message for a gravestone: “Here lies Joe, beloved father, devoted husband, and respected businessman. He will live on in the hearts of all who knew him.” False. A terse message might be: “Rest in peace” because it is short and to the point.