Happiness Two Psychological Phenomena: Adaptation and Comparison Happiness and Prior Experience –Adaptation-level phenomenon Adaptation-level phenomenonAdaptation-level phenomenon Happiness and others’ attainments –Relative deprivation Relative deprivationRelative deprivation
Adaptation level phenomenon The tendency to judge various stimuli relative to those we have previously experienced TV example
Relative deprivation The perception that we are worse off relative to those with whom we compare ourselves
Happiness Predictors of Happiness
Brain storm ways to get past anger Changing thoughts Not taking things personally Understanding the context Others?
Introduction Health psychology Health psychology Health psychology Behavioral medicine Behavioral medicine Behavioral medicine
Stress and Illness Stress Stress –Stress appraisal
Stress Not just a stimulus or a response The process by which we perceive and respond to certain events called stressors, that we appraise as threatening or challenging
Walter Cannon First discussed the stress response – fight or flight Sympathetic nervous system releases ephinephrine and norepinephrine Increase heartrate and respiration Diverts blood from digestion to the skelatal muscles, dulls pain Releases sugar and fat from the body’s stores
Stress and Illness The Stress Response System Selye’s general adaptation syndrome (GAS) general adaptation syndrome (GAS)general adaptation syndrome (GAS) –Alarm –Resistance –exhaustion
Tip Seyle’s three stages ARE a GAS
Stress and Illness General Adaptation Syndrome
Other responses Freeze – paralyzed - withdraw, pull back, conserve Tend and befriend – more women – may be because of oxytocin – a stress moderating hormone associated with pair bonding in animals
Telomeres Shorter bits of DNA at the ends of their chromosomes. Cell can’t divide if these get too short – the cells die Happens after prolonged stress
Stress and Illness Stressful Life Events Catastrophes Significant life changes Daily hassles
Stress and the Heart Coronary heart disease Coronary heart disease Coronary heart disease Type A versus Type B –Type A Type AType A –Type B Type BType B
Other conditions that lead to heart problems Anger Pessimism Depression
Psychosomatic Older term – people often thought “just in your head” Today psychoneuroimmunology PNI Psychophysiological illnesses (hypertension and some headaches)
Stress and Susceptibility to Disease Psychophysiological illnesses Psychophysiological illnesses Psychophysiological illnesses Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) –Lymphocytes Lymphocytes B lymphocytes T lymphocytes –Stress and AIDS –Stress and Cancer