List of regulations/policies/plans that allow the development of SPP Law , Law and Law on the responsibility of the contractors in case of outsourcing Law on prison humanization and employment of released people Law on employment of people with disabilities in the State Law on energy efficiency Orders 429/009, 428/009, 430,009 and 329/010 on energy efficiency labeling Law and Order 314/010 on solar panels Order 152/010 on environmental criteria to be met by vehicles acquired by the State Law and Order 315/010 on packaging management Order 527/008 on the Prohibition of acquisition by the State of incandescent lamps and fluorescent tubes Law (Forest Law) Law , Order 13/009 and 164/013 on national industry preference Law , Order 371/010 and 164/013 on public procurement program for development Law and Order 86/015 on market reserve for family farming Budget for SPP implementation:. $ 395,000 (includes design and implementation of the regulation) Goods / Services to start implementing SPP Prioritization in Uruguay willbe done using inputs from: The project "Capacity Building for Sustainable Public Procurement in Uruguay" (UNEP and OPP), which were identified according to a prioritization methodology and include: comprehensive cleaning of premises; plastic products; security service; computers, monitors and printers; medicines for human use; construction and repair of roads and sidewalks; paper, forms; food of agricultural origin; construction: highways and roads; lamps; textiles - apparel; paintings; vehicles; thermometers; computer services; air conditioning equipment; water heaters; and office supplies. Identified at a regional level (SPELL project): cleaning products, wood and paper, for which we already have a comprehensive survey by an international consultancy on the criteria that could be applied. Those arising from the needs that express the governing bodies in the exercise of its powers and that can be incorporated into government procurement (which arise from the scope of the advisory group) Communication strategies and capacity building The communication and training strategy to providers will be made through: The ACCE Providers’ Council The governing bodies to maintain jurisdiction in the matter The website of State Procurement Measuring impact While strengthening the rules that are already in force, we expect to measure impact by the end of Regarding new rules, the corresponding measurement mechanisms will be developed during a 5 year period. Country: Uruguay Participant’s name: Natalia Ferreira Coímbra Action Plan to Implement Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) Goals / Timeframes December 2016: SPP criteria implemented on priority products : Extension to other areas. Entities that should be involved in SPP / Required Human Resources: ACCE National Environment Agency Ministry of Economy and Finance Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining Ministry of Social Development Directorate General for Rural Development (MGAP) Office of Planning and Budget International organizations related to the topic State Provider Organizations Strategies to reduce or control the cost of sustainable goods / services The mechanisms that have been developed in Uruguay to reduce transaction costs are not particularly focused on sustainable goods and services. This is because it is still in early stages of policy SPP. Handbook/Guide on SPP for Public Procurers It is in the timetable for the end of 2016, and will be updated as new criteria is incorporated. Analysis of market preparation to offer sustainable goods / services: The project includes a survey on the implications that the implementation of sustainability criteria generates on the public market and in particular on the ability of local suppliers to meet these criteria. List of initiatives or progress made on SPP ACCE’s strategic plan includes a SPP prohect to be developed between that addresses the issue from an economic, environmental and social approach. Uruguay integrates the group of countries participating in the SPEEL (Sustainable Public Procurement and Ecolabeling) regional project of UNEP. The project seeks to identify SPP criteria for priority products that could be incorporated voluntarily by countries. Uruguay is starting to run a national project funded by UNEP (by a non-reimbursable loan obtained by contest) that develops under the 10YFP program.