HEALTH (Gesundheit or zdravje) Mean… the state of physical and mental well-being, without disruption of the functioning of the organism THE PIONEERS OF MEDICINE Hippocrates Paracelsus Andreas Vesalius antiquity middle ages renaissance
William Harvey Pedanius Dioscorides Aulus Cornelius Celsus renaissance antiquity antiquity MEDICINE TODAY Medicine is now technologically very advanced and soon we will know a cure for aids and cancer.
HOW DOES YOUR COUNTRY/SCHOOL/FAMILY/ YOU SUPPORT YOUR HEALTH? OUR COUNRTY Good health is extremely important for the development of the company. A decisive contribution to economic development, because healthy people live longer and are more productive. Our country supports our health so as to include projects in the field of health. With this we ensure easier life and defend against disease.
OUR SCHOOL Our school cares for our health in a way that prepares us to food that is very healthy, full of nutrients and supplies us with vitamins and minerals. Includes in the various projects for the titles healthy schools. Our school is trying to give us everything what we need for our health. HEALTHY SCHOOL
OUR FAMILY Our families are trying to give us healthy food and we must to appreciate it. We every day eat fresh fruit and vegetables and we drink just health drinks. We think that is very important for every children that in his familly support health food.Because then when all family support it we can know how important is health food for us and our health.
HOW DOES YOUR STATE SUPPORT COMMON HEALTH? SLOVENIA The bigest hospital in Slovenia is UKC Ljubljana. We have ministry for health, which provide for everybody sanitary institutional in our state. In year 2012 life expectancy in Slovenia is 80 years
LIECHENSTEIN The Liechtenstein health sector is characterized by a high standard of quality. Health insurance is a compulsory insurance for all people living in Liechtenstein. The standards are of outstanding high quality. The Health Insurance Act says that there is a choice between service providers (doctors, physiotherapists etc.) with or without a contract with the health insurance.
SMOKING SLOVENIA In % of the population in Slovenia smoked. 27% of men and 24% of women.
The data show that smokers in Slovenia on average die 15 years earlier than non-smokers, many years before his death, however, survive in poor health. Smoking attributable to each of the seven premature death in the age group from 30 to 44 years old and every third premature death in the age group of 45 to 59 years old. As a result of diseases associated with smoking, about half of smokers die, which means around 3600 per year or almost 10 per day.
LIECHENSTEIN 2012, 28% of the population, 32% of men and 24% of women smoked
The use of opiates and cocaine poses a significant addictive and can have massive effects on the health and the social relations of the Consumers have. The use of Ecstasy spread with the advent of the techno scene Since the beginning of the 1990s.
MOBILE PHONES If we use our mobile phone too much we are extremely exposure to the radiofrequency we can get: cancer electromagnetic interference traffic accidents other health effects
Electromagnetic interference Mobiles phones are dangerous to some medical devices. There is also the potential of risk between mobile phones signals and aircraft electronics. Some countries have licensed mobile phone use on aircraft during flight using systems that control the phone output power. Traffic accidents Research has shown a risk of traffic accidents, while driver is using mobile phone during the drive
Other health effects Using mobile phone changes in brain activity, reaction times, and sleep patterns. Mobile phone can also seriously damaged brains. Some people can become addicted to mobile phones. The good side of mobile phones is, when is a person in trouble, we can uploade the application which give us a instruction, how to help this person.