Masculine Feminine Neuter Gender Singular Plural Number
Personal: boy, woman, (frank, Maria). Places: home, store, museum, etc. Animals: dog, horse, worm, etc. Things: car, book, computer, etc. Ideas: honesty, beauty, etc.
Common nouns: building, planet, boy, etc. Proper nouns: White house, Earth, George, etc.
Countable nounsUncountable nouns A bookWater A storeHonesty Two booksSome water Some booksA lot of water An Uncountable noun never uses a/an
Jack often visits the zoo on hot summer days. He likes to watch the monkeys and donkeys. Jack visit the college and public libraries on rainy days. He likes to read stories about various zoo animals. Jack prepares dinner for himself quite often. He likes baked potatoes with all of his meals.
Hector: 9 because I make all the presentation Wendy helped me but I did the majority of the work so for that reason, I consider necessary that grade for my evaluation. Wendy: 8 she helped me. Gaby lo: 7.5 no comments…