Today’s Class Verb tense comparison Vocabulary study BREAK Debate
Complete the sentences with the simple past, present perfect or present perfect progressive of read. 1. Jinho: “I __ a good book for core class. I’m almost at the end.” 2. Carla: “I __ about 150 pages of the core class book we have to read.” 3. Tony: “I __ a good book in core class. I gave a report on it last week.” 4. Sasha: “I never __ a book in English back home, so this is a new experience for me.”
1. Jinho: “I have been reading a good book for core class. I’m almost at the end.” 2. Carla: “I have read about 150 pages of the core class book we have to read.” 3. Tony: “I have read a good book in core class. I gave a report on it last week.” 4. Sasha: “I never read a book in English back home, so this is a new experience for me.”
1.B,C a. Bliss is uncountable. (… looking for eternal bliss) d. Bliss doesn’t collocate with great. 2. B,C a. Dictate is not followed by a preposition. d. Dictate doesn’t collocate with factors. 3.C a. Fit doesn’t collocate with the preposition with. b. Fit something to something (… fit their schedules to their children’s needs ) d. Fit isn’t used in the progressive.
4. B,C a. In someone’s / possessive adj. nature (… in her nature) d. Nature is countable after have. (… has an easy-going nature) 5. D a. Quest is followed by for. (… the quest for a Mayan hidden treasure …) b. Quest is countable. (… on a spiritual quest) c. Quest is different from search. 6. B a. shower someone with something (… shower me with love) c. The preposition after shower is with. (… was showered with praise) d. One cannot be showered with something negative.
7. A,B c. Striking refers to people and things associated with people. d. He is a strikingly handsome man. 8. C,D a & b. Uncanny is used to talk about situations and abilities, not things or people.
Assignment Write sentences using five words from Vocabulary Worksheet 8. The suggested topic is your family (or your relationship with your family). (Due by 1:30 PM on Wednesday). You needn’t bring the OLT to class.
JUDGES’ WORKSHEET Opening Statement 1. What arguments did the Living-in-the-Sea side make? 2. What arguments did the Living-on-the-Moon side make? Rebuttal 3. How did the Living-in-the-Sea side rebut* the other side’s arguments? 4. How did the Living-on-the-Moon side rebut the other side’s arguments? *rebut: to prove that a statement is false Response 5. What points did the Living-in-the-Sea side add? 6. What points did the Living-on-the-Moon side add? Closing Statement 7. What arguments did the Living-in-the-Sea side restate? 8. What arguments did the Living-on-the-Moon side restate? Miscellaneous 9. Which side made the best arguments? (Give details.) 10. Which side spoke with more clarity? 11. Which side seemed more confident? (Give reasons.) 12. Which side had more persuasive powers?