Формувати навички та уміння читання, письма, говоріння, аудіювання; розширювати словниковий запас учнів; розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію;


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Presentation transcript:

Формувати навички та уміння читання, письма, говоріння, аудіювання; розширювати словниковий запас учнів; розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію; формувати здатність висловлюватися, виражати думки за рахунок умінь слухати, читати, говорити і писати; 1 формувати у школярів мотивацію до вивчення англійської мови.

L/O/G/O Тема уроку: «Food and health» 2

3.Complete the sentences. Повторити назви продуктів харчування; формувати навички слухання; поглибити знання учнів про класифікацію продуктів харчування(countable, uncountable nouns); розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію; виховувати усвідомлення важливості правильного харчування. 3

1.Проектор. 2.Аркуші для самостійної роботи. 3.Планшет. Обладнання: 4 Тип уроку: Урок закріплення знань

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” 5

Let’s play a game: “What is missing?” 6

Look! 7

What is missing? 8

Honey 9

Look! 10

What is missing? 11

French fries 12

Look! 13

What is missing? 14

Sandwich 15

3.Complete the sentences. 2.Remember the details. 1.Listen to the story attentively. 16

Text in her The Earl (граф) of Sandwich lived in the 18 th century. He liked playing cards for money. He often played day and night. Once he played for 24 hours running. Servants(слуги) brought him food - some meat and some bread. The Earl didn't want to stop playing while he ate. He put some meat between two pieces of bread! In this way he could play without stopping for eating. From the name of this man the word SANDWICH appeared. The Earl (граф) of Sandwich lived in the 18 th century. He liked playing cards for money. He often played day and night. Once he played for 24 hours running. Servants(слуги) brought him food - some meat and some bread. The Earl didn't want to stop playing while he ate. He put some meat between two pieces of bread! In this way he could play without stopping for eating. From the name of this man the word SANDWICH appeared. «The Earl of Sandwich» 17

Complete the sentences: 1 3 Once he played for… The Earl of Sandwich liked playing… 2 Servants brought him food… 18

4 He put some meat… 5 6 He could play without… The word SANDWICH came from... Complete the sentences: 19

Decide if the nouns are: 20




a cup of milk gelatine 2 cups of heavy cream fresh berries (fruit) honey vanilla extract half a cup of sugar 24

-Is there any cheese in the fridge? -There is some cheese. -There isn't any cheese in the fridge. -Is there a banana in the fridge? -There is a banana in the fridge. -There isn't a banana in the fridge. 25


Your life’ll not change until you change your thinking. Your life’ll not change until you change your thinking.So “ Think positive, be positive and positive things will happen.” “ Think positive, be positive and positive things will happen.” 27

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” 28

L/O/G/O Thank you for attention! 29