SAIL - Sustainability Applied in International Learning somewhere between Gdynia & Karlshamn Agnieszka Piasecka Magdalena Sadowska Tomasz Prochenka Svitlana Busheva Pavol Brisuda Start-up’s contest Let’s improve our environment. Together.
The need of upbringing children in the spirit of environmental consciousness
Kindergartens education Goals of the project 1.The need of upbringing children in the spirit of environmental consciousness. 2.Adjusting classes topics to children’s level of intellectual, physical and psychological possibilities. 3.Preparing educational materials for subject of sustainable development in kindergartens education. 4.Teaching the youngest generation about: recycling, waste segregating/ garbage disposals, using sufficient energy and saving water.
Kindergartens education Goals of the project 5.Showing them and promoting ´good behavior´ which will work as a authority for them in future. 6.Preparing areas like boxes for wastes in buildings of kindergartens to let children see how it should work. 7.Make them more familiar with actions conected with sustainable development. 8.Start new thinking for the future (they are those who in few years will have to face the problem and try to solove it as we do now).
1.Setting up the NGO gathering people engaged in project from areas like SD, education, psychology following polish law (REGON, NIP, KRS, permission for collecting money) 2.Activity of foundation: Preparing content of workshops Organizing workshops and conferences for teachers and students; preparing educational programme, methodology of classes Meetings with kindergarten’s headmasters (getting permission for starting project and using lecture room) Kindergartens education Plan of action Marketing campaignGetting new members
Meetings with parents and teachers (explaining what the project aims) Collecting money for adjusting kindergartens to realization of the project (purchase of bins for trash segregation, educational materials for children) Creating webside where foundation will put all information about project, calendar of meetings, workshops, places where we want to start up the project and all educational materials that students and teachers will prepare on workshops) Kindergartens education Plan of action Marketing campaignGetting new members
Kindergartens education Partners Kindergartens Teachers Parents Volunteers Citizens of Szczecin European Union Sendzimir Foundation Municipalities Primary schools Govermnment NOW IN LONG TERM
Kindergartens education Source of funds FUNDS Sendzimir Fundation European Union Collecting money Sponsors Support of cityhall of Szczecin Govermental funds NOW IN LONG TERM NOW IN LONG TERM
Kindergartens education Budget for the start up (per year) Cost (zł) Setting up the foundation Formal issues Marketing camaign Leaflets710 Posters143 Cards200 Guides/ folders350 Office of foundation Renting an office8 400 Equipment Payment of permanent office workers Full accountancy12 000
Cost (zł) Workshops Catering2 000 Educational materials2 500 Lectors salaries1440 (45/h) Visual advert Project/design (logo, office paper etc.) Serwer100 Webside domain 300 TOTAL Kindergartens education Budget for the start up (per year) 4700 zł per month (1120 EUR)
Calendar Time (months) Set up foundation Preparing workshops Organizing workshops Marketing campaign Getting funds Spreading project
SWOT analysis StrengthsWeakneses Low costs Determination to realize the project Simplicity of the project Fast launching Opportunity for students to have internship Lack of experience Lack of volunteers at the begininng Lack of inicial funds OpportuniniesThreads Possibility to spread the project over the country Real need for such an action in polish society Support from similarly focused NGOs Possible support from different companies (CSR) Unconsciousness of the problem in local society Possible difficulties in finding sponsors Lack of support from local authorities
How to measure the result? Panel survey Survey conduct in order to measure results of the given action. In this case we will provide questionaries (containing the same questions at any time) to parents at the beginning of the project and after every next finished step of the programme. Questions examples: Do you segregate wastes? (paper, plastic, glass etc.) Do you think that matter of garbage disposal is important? TIME FIRST QUESTIONAIREQUESTIONAIRESFINAL QUESTIONAIRE
Kindergartens education Media in Szczecin NEWSPAPERS: Kurier Szczeciński Głos Szczeciński Metro Moje Miasto Gazety uniwersyteckie RADIO STATIONS: Radio Szczecin TV CHANNELS: TVP Szczecin Pomerania WEBSIDES: Facebook Twitter
Kindergartens problems Places of realization Localized in one district of Szczecin Podjuchy Public Kindergarten nr 79 ul. Krzemienna 42a 70 – 734 Szczecin Private Kindergarten „Promyk” ul. Cynowa Szczecin