Cross Programme Action 7: “Socio-economic analysis for the Information Society” Overview: WP 1999: CPA4 “Indicators and statistical tools” WP 1999: CPA4 “Indicators and statistical tools” Open in calls 1 and 2 WP 2000: CPA7 (“SE analysis”) and CPA8 ( “Indicators & statistical tools”) address SE issues. WP 2000: CPA7 (“SE analysis”) and CPA8 ( “Indicators & statistical tools”) address SE issues. Open in calls 3 and 5 WP 2001: CPA7 (“Socio-economic analysis and indicators for the information society”) combines, extents and refocuses the previous two CPAs WP 2001: CPA7 (“Socio-economic analysis and indicators for the information society”) combines, extents and refocuses the previous two CPAs Open in call 6 + later calls ( but not in call 7)
CPA7: Socio-economic analysis and indicators for the information society IST V.1.7 Types of actions addressed: Types of actions addressed: Research and Development, Demonstration and Combined projects, Accompanying Measures, Concerted Actions and Thematic Networks. Links with WP2000: Extends the scope of Action Line IST2000 V.1.7 (CPA7) and V.1.8.(CPA8) Links with WP2000: Extends the scope of Action Line IST2000 V.1.7 (CPA7) and V.1.8.(CPA8) Work in the Action Line will be co-ordinated with the thematic programme “Improving human research potential and the socio-economic knowledge base”. Work on indicators will be elaborated in co-ordination with Eurostat. Work in the Action Line will be co-ordinated with the thematic programme “Improving human research potential and the socio-economic knowledge base”. Work on indicators will be elaborated in co-ordination with Eurostat.
CPA7 Essentials: CPA7 will be open in call 6: CPA7 will be open in call 6: expected to open end of January 2001; closing date ~ 3month later expected to open end of January 2001; closing date ~ 3month later Info: Info: ( Info on call 6 will follow as call opens) ( Info on call 6 will follow as call opens) Info: General on calls: Info: General on calls: IST Infodesk Information Society Directorate General, Unit F7 Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 200, BU 29 4/19 B-1049 Brussels, Belgium Fax: Web:
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