Be Kind With Fun In Mind Inventing technologies to transform volunteering into permanent feast of joy. Soon in your city too. Edition for investors
Challenge to Meet PROBLEM People in Russia have no common easy-to-use tools for volunteering, while social alimentation becomes a real humanitarian disaster. The vital energy of well-intentioned young people is wasted just because they don't know how to act. It is time to say: "Stop!" VISION Our mission is to create universal social network uniting all volunteers in the city by providing them common ground for action. Within this project, we are working on a system of social, material and emotional rewarding for doing good things. Our motto is simple: "Be Kind With Fun In Mind" IMPACT ON THE FUTURE Web-coordination of philanthropy, using modern media to promote new social lifestyle and attracting thousands of Internet users into volunteering with fun is the right way to solve number of humanitarian problems in exact city. Or number of cities. IMPACT ON SUSTAINABILITY One thing is indisputable: rise of civil consciousness, mutual readiness to help and involvement of different people in a common joy are the key features of sustainable world. They are what our project stands for.
Benefits For All Parties A. Charity Funds Extra funding. Public support. New Volunteers. B. Final Recipients Extra care. Socialization. Right of voice. C. Volunteers Moral, material, and emotional reward. Social experience. Easy-to-use interface. D. Business Media attention. Sales growth. Taxes shortage. Improving goodwill and public image. E. Society Will get the signal that positive ethical changes are possible.
So, let us report about the things we did this Fall to implement our project…
First of all, we designed the website
Then, we created database of enterprises to attract
And database of charities to collaborate with
We ordered cost estimation for our website in the agency…
… attracted the first business partner…
…and the second one…
…and the third.
After that, we set core stones of budget in our business plan. NPV($)120,913 IRR(%)49% DPP(year)3.45 Staff Web-site administrator Accountant Marketing manager Sales manager Web development Hosting Web services Web-site development Promotion Corporate clothes Search engine optimization Outdoor advertisement
And researched the investment issue. Win the Challenge Future grand prizeDon’t win the Challenge Future grand prize 39,277 USD12,277 USD RHCB is looking for investors. Two different outcomes can be of Challenge Future finals, and here we have considered how much money should be invested in our project by business partner in both cases: