PROM 2016
Halls of St. George 6:00-11:00 p.m. Doors will close at 7:15 $80.00 per ticket Tickets go on sale on Monday NO REFUNDS
B.T. students bringing a guest… You must have your date fill out a guest form and have your Dean approve your date prior to buying their ticket. Last day for approval is 4-15
At Prom… Great sit down dinner/dessert Vote for Prom King and Queen Dance the night away Get a cool Prom shirt to wear on MONDAY. Take selfies with friends
POST PROM Odyssey Fun World Midnight-3:00 a.m. Doors close at 12:00 Pizza, Go-Karts, Golf, Video Games, Laser Tag, Rides
BTHS PROM DRESS CODE 2016 With modesty in mind, the following dress code guidelines will be strictly enforced at the 2016 BTHS Prom. Mrs. Watson will be there, so don’t even TRY IT!
#1 Dresses may not be cut below the bust line. The bust continues around your sides directly under the armpit. With arms down at your side, if flesh touches flesh below the bust line, the dress is inappropriate. BUST LINE BUST LINE (on the side) This dress IS appropriate.
This dress meets dress code. Please notice how the bust is covered on the sides. #2 Dresses may be backless as long as they are not cut below the naval.
#3 Midriffs will not be exposed. This includes both front and side. With arms down at your side, if flesh touches flesh in the midriff section, the dress is inappropriate.
#4 Dresses may not have a slit that exceeds mid- thigh. This is fingertip length. This dress meets dress code.
No cover-ups (coats, shawls, sweaters) will be allowed over dresses that do not meet dress code. Pinning and Fabric Inserts No pinning will be allowed as an alteration for a dress if without the pins the dress does not meet dress code. Fabric inserts must be sewn, not pinned on the dress, if without the inserts the dress does not meet dress code. While we will be reasonable in our interpretation of these guidelines, we want you to know that you will not be allowed into the dance if you are dressed inappropriately. ~Refunds will not be given for dress code violations.~ Most importantly, this dress code does not limit your ability to show your style and uniqueness.
There are many beautiful and stylish dresses that do meet the dress code.
If you have any questions regarding Prom or the dress code, please see the BTHS website or stop by Mrs. Twietmeyer’s (2.300) or Mrs. Paape’s (2.303) classroom. Be Smart. Be Safe. Be Respectful. Prom 2016
Junior Board is looking to see your best… PROM-POSAL Take part in the 3 rd annual PROM-POSAL contest for a chance to win a FREE prom ticket. The contest ends April 8 th. Submissions must be sent to or
Prom-posal CONTEST RULES The Prom-posal must be photographed or captured on video. Brief written description of Prom-posal. You will be judged on originality, creativity and overall coolness. Winners will be announced on April 11 th. All entries must be ed or given to Mrs. Paape or Mrs. Tweet.
I (Josh Lozano) have spent hours trying to get the hang of light painting in order to make this promposal work. I was telling Becky Montgomery about these cool drawings you could do with flashlights and a camera. We sat down for a little while trying to just draw circles and seeing how it would look. Then I was going through pictures showing her what else you could make and SURPRISE! She was shocked and thought it was amazing! Did she say yes? OF COURSE!
ESSAY CONTEST Free Prom ticket ($80) awarded to the Junior or Senior that completes the best essay 1000 words or less to following… I am the most deserving student for this FREE PROM TICKET because… Submissions must be given to Mrs. Paape or Tweet no later than Friday, April 8 th.
PROM Court 2015
Going to Prom? to 81010
Ready to find out who made it this year?
PROM 2016