April 12, 2016 Entry Task Take your old seat for now. You’ll be getting new seats in a few minutes. Winning Teams: 1 st Period – Utah Unicorns 2 nd Period – Rancors of Lessard’s Palace 4 th Period – Chewbacca’s Fantastic Galaxy 5 th Period – Wolves of the Beyond 6 th – Skelessard of the Jungle Loot For No Negative Points Come By To Claim Your Loot Before Or After School By Next Friday
What If We Haven’t Seen Your Trailer Yet?What If We Haven’t Seen Your Trailer Yet? Over the next several days, we will take time at the end of the period to watch late trailers. Grades for unviewed trailers will not be entered until your trailer has been shown to the class.
A Change In The Game Since there’s a lot of potential Loot out there at the moment: Each Class is accumulating points in total. At the end of each week, the class with the most points will be excused from the vocabulary assessement (new vocab will still be assigned) There will be one grand prize at the end of this round Class team names will be a creative (and appropriate) pun that incorporates your period number. (+20 points for class with best pun)
Today’s GoalsToday’s Goals You will be able to: Understand what makes a strong introduction statement. Plan and write an effective essay. You will show this by: Participating in introduction statement notes/activity. Planning and writing your essay. Rough Drafts Due Friday
Things To Remember From Before Break 1.You should have dialectical journals chalk full of evidence and thoughts to guide your paper writing. 2.You should have a thesis that will act as a map to your body paragraphs. 3.You may have begun outlining your body paragraphs based on your thesis statement.
What’s Not So Great About This Introduction? There is lots of stuff in Ting’s fall a part by Achebe that shows how Okonkwo the main character is struggles to do what he thinks is write. In the book, Okonkwo has his thoughts but he also has his actions and he doesn’t always do the same thing as he thinks to himself. By looking at Okonkwo’s thoughts and actions and how they are different will show how hard life can be for Okonkwo and his thoughts. I don’t want to read this paper Not adequate background to understand the topic Sloppy mistakes Make the reader want to read your paper. Give the reader a solid foundation for your topic. Make sure it’s technically perfect. Set yourself up for success with a good first impression.
What Would You Want To Emulate From This Introduction? Think about a time that you have struggled between what you want to do, and what you must do. Maybe you wanted to sleep in, but you knew you had to be on time for that first period test; or maybe you wanted to hit your brother for getting on your nerves, but instead you took a deep breath and walked away. We all struggle personally with our inner desires and living up to the expectations of the outside world, and Chinua Achebe embodies this struggle in Things Fall Apart, as Okonkwo comes to terms with the man he wants to be, and the man he wants others to believe he is. By observing Okonkwo’s many struggles with his private self and the man others see, readers begin to grasp the immense difficulty but ultimate necessity of reconciling one’s own ideals with the expectations of the world, lest we risk our own destruction.
Work “Time”Work “Time” Finish your dialectical journals. Use dialectical journals to help you answer the 3 questions that you copied under the prompt. Use your responses to the 3 questions to help you write a thesis. Get your questions & thesis approved by Mr. Lessard. Outline body paragraphs Write your rough draft, including a strong introduction.