Appendicitis inflammation of appendix can result in peritonitis or septicemia
Peritonitis inflammation of peritoneum usually from perforation of another organ
Diverticulitis inflammation of pouches that form on the outside of the large intestine usually result from things we eat
Cirrhosis of liver scar tissue replaces healthy tissue causes: chronic alcoholism, Hepatitis C, Wilson’s Disease irreversible damage
Hepatitis damage to liver due to inflammation Hepatitis A: viral, caused by food, not chronic Hepatitis B: sexually- transmitted, can be chronic Hepatitis C: viral, blood transmission, chronic, no vaccine
Jaundice skin staining by high levels of billirubin (by product of breakdown of RBCs) usually removed by liver and excreted in bile
Hiatal Hernia opening in diaphragm that allows stomach to bulge causes heartburn, stomach issues, dry cough
Gall Stones Pigment Stones Cholesterol Stones
Other conditions Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) malfunctioning muscles or nerves of colon diarrhea followed by constipation Pancreatitis inflammation of pancreas caused by gallstones or excessive alcohol leads to shock, hypocalcemia, respiratory complications Crohn’s Disease form of IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) usually in the intestine, can be any where in GI tract
Ulcerative Colitis ulcers in large intestine Celiac Disease damages lining of small intestine and prevents absorption Gluten Sensitivity “ foggy mind”, depression, ADHD-like behavior, abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, headaches, bone or joint pain, and chronic fatigue similar to celiac disease
Malabsorption Syndrome can be caused by gluten or bacteria decreased villi and surface area for nutrient absorption Cholera caused by bacteria in contaminated water infects small intestine severed diarrhea can be fatal
Kidney Stones