Focus 5/10 Human rights violations have occurred numerous times throughout history. Some examples are the Bosnian Ethnic Cleansing, Apartheid in South Africa, and the Rape of Nanking. Many of these events have largely received little to no response from the United Nations. After the Holocaust in 1945, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was issued in an attempt to recognize basic human rights and punish those who violate these rights.
Global II Regents Review Human Rights Violations Rise and Fall of Soviet Union
Human Rights Violations Human rights are those basic political, economic, and societal rights to which all people are entitled. Human rights are those basic political, economic, and societal rights to which all people are entitled.
Human Rights Violations Tiananmen Square – students in China demand greater political freedom in late 1980s – Chinese Communist authorities crack down, many protestors are killed or wounded. Tiananmen Square – students in China demand greater political freedom in late 1980s – Chinese Communist authorities crack down, many protestors are killed or wounded.
Human Rights Violations Rape of Nanking- Rape of Nanking- - Atrocities committed by Japanese soldiers against Chinese civilians during World War II in Chinese city of Nanking.
Human Rights Violations Apartheid in South Africa Apartheid in South Africa - Apartheid is systematic segregation of black Africans in South Africa - Black majority is oppressed by White Minority - White President F.W. de Klerk fights to end apartheid - Nelson Mandela also fights to end apartheid
Human Rights Violations Genocide in Rwanda Genocide in Rwanda - - Hutu commit atrocities in Rwanda - - Hutu majority murders and abuses members of minority Tutsis
Human Rights Violations Cambodia Cambodia - Pol Pot and Khmer Rouge, influenced by Marxist principles, begin the mass killing of fellow Cambodians who they see as educated - Pol Pot wants an Agrarian Society - Begins calendar at Year Zero
Human Rights Violations Armenian Genocide Armenian Genocide Occurs in Ottoman Empire Occurs in Ottoman Empire Ottoman Turks begin to exterminate Armenian Christians Ottoman Turks begin to exterminate Armenian Christians
Human Rights Violations Kosovo – Bosnia Kosovo – Bosnia Serbian Christians led by Slobodan Milosevic practice Ethnic Cleansing by forcibly removing ethnic groups, especially Albanian Muslims, by brutatality and murder. Serbian Christians led by Slobodan Milosevic practice Ethnic Cleansing by forcibly removing ethnic groups, especially Albanian Muslims, by brutatality and murder.
Human Rights Violations Holocaust Holocaust - Hitler and the Nazi practice genocide against Jews in Germany and Eastern Europe
Focus 5/11 Both the Soviet Union and China established communist based governments in the 20th Century. Influenced by the writings of Karl Marx in his Communist Manifesto, both nation's attempted to create classless societies. Both nation's also attempted to be industrial powerhouses. The Soviets attempted to industrialize with Joseph Stalin's 5 year plans. The Chinese attempted to industrialize with Mao Zedong's Great Leap Forward. Explain key features of both the Soviet Union and Communist China.
Rise and Fall of Soviet Union
Russian Revolution Long Term Causes of Russian Rev. Long Term Causes of Russian Rev. - Czars resist change - Czars use brutal tactics - Peasant Unrest - Problems of Urban Workers
Russian Revolution Short Term Causes of Russian Revolution Short Term Causes of Russian Revolution - Russia defeated in Russo-Japanese War - “Bloody Sunday” - Revolution of World War I
Russian Revolution Bolshevik Revolution Bolshevik Revolution - Lenin gains support by promising “land, peace, and bread” - Lenin takes over and creates totalitarian government based on Marxist principles
Russian Revolution Lenin introduces New Economic Policy with elements of free market Lenin introduces New Economic Policy with elements of free market
Russian Revolution Joseph Stalin comes to power and starts Great Purge Joseph Stalin comes to power and starts Great Purge Stalin turns Soviet Union into a Totalitarian State Stalin turns Soviet Union into a Totalitarian State Stalin’s Five Year Plans attempt to Industrialize Soviet Union Stalin’s Five Year Plans attempt to Industrialize Soviet Union
Soviet Union
Cold War Begins after World War II Cold War Begins after World War II - Germany and Korea Divided - Soviets Expand influence throughout Eastern Europe – IRON CURTAIN!!! - Soviets and allies create Warsaw Pact - West creates NATO
Soviet Union Cold War Conflicts Cold War Conflicts - Berlin Airlift - Soviets invade Hungary in Cuban Missile Crisis - Berlin Wall Built in Korean War - Vietnam War
Soviet Union U.S. and Soviets go through a period of Détente or easing of tensions U.S. and Soviets go through a period of Détente or easing of tensions - U.S. and Soviets agree to eliminate a group of nuclear weapons
Soviet Union Afghanistan War – Soviets invade Afghanistan in 1979 Afghanistan War – Soviets invade Afghanistan in War causes tension between Soviets and U.S. - War leads to low morale in Soviet Union
Soviet Union 1985 – Mikhail Gorbachev comes to power and introduces policies of perestroika and glasnost 1985 – Mikhail Gorbachev comes to power and introduces policies of perestroika and glasnost - Perestroika – government and economic reform - Glasnost openness
Soviet Union Ethnic minorities demand self- determination Ethnic minorities demand self- determination Economy stagnates Economy stagnates Soviet Union collapses Soviet Union collapses