It makes no difference what men think of war, said the judge. As well ask men what they think of stone. War was always here. Before man was, war waited for him. The ultimate trade waiting for the ultimate practitioner. Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian
A. Hitler resented the punishing terms of Versaille Treaty. That left Germany’s army in pieces, and its economy in shambles after WWI. B. Formed the Nazi Party in , Hitler is arrested and sentenced to 5 years of prison. There he writes his book about German superiority, and destiny to rule the world called Mein Kampf (My Struggle). C. He blamed the Jewish gov’t. for Germany’s problems. 1925, he tells a reporter its his deepest desire to see a jew hanging from every lamppost in Munich, Germany. D. The Nazi Party remained small until 1929, when unemployment rose. E Nazi Party has nearly 14 million members.
A. Massive Unemployment B. High prices for goods C. Homelessness D. Enormous war debt from WWI E. Hitler gave the people of Germany someone they could blame for their problems – the Jews. When a country has serious problems that affect the majority of people, it is easy for many people to find someone to blame for the troubles of a country.
A. Hitler becomes Chancellor in When a fire burns the national capitol, Hitler goes after Jews, & Communists with beatings and torture. B. Hitler silenced anyone who opposed his power and authority. C. Nazis were masters of propaganda and convincing Germans to believe their ideas. D. Hitler rebuilt Germany with a massive public works operation. Similar to FDR’s New Deal. E. He built the armies back, going against the Versaille Treaty. When Hitler became dictator, Germany became the greatest military power in Europe, democracy was smashed and other countries just stood by, watched & hoped he left them alone.
The Reichstag (1939) shortly before the invasion of Poland.
A.Hitler envisioned a “master race.” B.This “aryan” race would have blonde hair and blue eyes. C.“Aryan Supremacy” would rule after Hitler was gone.
A. Hitler’s first move: Sending troops into the Rhineland, March 7, 1936, which went against Versailles. B. March Austrian born, Hitler returns home by taking Austria. C. Hitler believed England & France would leave him alone if they were not threatened. D. October 1936, Hitler & the dictator of Italy, Benito Mussolini form Rome-Berlin Axis.
A. England & France feared Hitler, and left him alone to move through Eastern Europe, as long as they were not involved. B.Hitler wanted the Sudetenland next to Czechoslavakia. England & France promised to help the Czechs in case they were next. C.Munich Peace Conference 1938: Hitler says he will not take any more territory. Everyone leaves happy. D. March 1939, Hitler breaks his promise, and takes Czechoslavakia. England & France watched. Now England & France say they will defend Poland. The world is stunned. E.The Allies of WWI (France & England) can no longer sit and watch they must act.
A. Germany used the blitzkrieg (lightning war) to invade Poland. Hitler claimed he had the greatest army the world has ever seen. B. His wermacht (war machine) was unstoppable. C. Sept. 1, Germany invades Poland ignoring the warnings of war from England & France. D. Sept. 3, 1939 England & France declare war on Germany. England & France could have possibly helped save Poland by forcing Germany to fight on two fronts as they had in WWI, but they were slow in acting.