UNDP GLOBAL MEETING ON PVE OSLO, 15 MARCH 2016 #YOUTH4PEACE #ENDEXTREMISM Understanding and Supporting the Role of Youth in the Prevention of Violent Extremism
Youth Radicalisation and Political Violence in the Digital Era Dr Akil N Awan Associate Professor of Political Violence & Terrorism Royal Holloway, University of London
Defining Radicalism or Extremism
A Definition of Radicalism Radicalism involves either: 1) Acceptance or espousal of beliefs, ideas, & attitudes that contradict or fall outside of range of acceptable or mainstream views within their own societies German Neo-Nazis protesting outside a refugee shelter
OR 2) The employment of illegal methods or strategies in pursuing ideas & beliefs, irrespective of the legitimacy & mainstream acceptability of those ideas. Animal rights group encouraging arson
A Definition of Radicalism So, radicalism involves the transgressing of either: mainstream beliefs and ideas OR legitimate methods and strategies Not always bad: Positive social change also begins on peripheries of mainstream & is radical to begin with
Radicalism as a Youth Phenomenon Historically, youth drawn disproportionately to radical activities & movements Red Guards with Mao during the Cultural Revolution
Name can reflect a youth demographic al-Shabaab = The Youth Taliban = Students Jihadism today almost exclusively associated with young men under 25, & originates in regions experiencing youth bulge.
Accounting for Youth-Radicalism Nexus No simple cause & effect calculus Can identify certain critical factors which might make youth more susceptible to radical narratives or groups 3 Most important factors: Identity crises/Quest for Meaning Politics disenfranchisement Socio-economic inequality.
Identity Crises/Quest for Meaning Individuals seek comfort in beguiling narratives offering safe & welcoming community of like- minded ‘outcasts’. THE NEED TO BELONG
University ‘Radicalism’
Political Disenfranchisement Disillusionment / alienation from traditional political processes, institutions & structures Recourse to protest and demonstrations Radicalism results from soured idealism.
Socio-economic Inequality Linked to socio-economic inequalities that disproportionately impact young people May find ‘solutions’ in extreme organisations and movements. The ‘youth bulge’ within many societies correlates with periods of political unrest.
The ‘New’ Media Environment
Digital Native vs Digital Immigrant For young people, little new about the new media environment. Rather, only media environment. For newer generation of political actors, most social & other interaction already takes place within new media environment => unsurprising that political activism or radical escapism should do so too
Online Echo Chamber Effect Paradox of New Media Enviornment Access to Staggering amount of information BUT users choose to cocoon themselves within an insular community
Might Radicalism be a Good thing? Radicalism not necessarily a bad thing Radicalism indicates a political awakening for young people Opposite can be apathy How to divert very same energies hijacked by extremists & radicals towards positive ends Can be normal part of Political Socialization “If you’re young and you’re not a radical, you've got no soul; whereas if you’re old and still a radical, you've got no sense”
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