Essential Question Why did the Soviet Union sign the Nazi-Soviet Pact? Learning Outcomes: Students will Preview – Why did they sign it? Learn about Soviet Foreign Policy Success Criteria I can answer the essential question
Mortal Enemies Communism vs. Fascism Why do you think the Nazi-Soviet Pact was signed between these 2 enemies?
COMINTERN Operation X Nazi-Soviet Pact
2 main aims 1. Avoid the Soviet Union getting involved in the inevitable war in Europe, especially after 1933 ▪ 1928 – “needed to catch up in 10 years” 2. World Revolution ▪COMINTERN – promote class struggle Do you see a contradiction between these 2 aims?
Collective Security 1929 – USSR signs the Kellog-Briand Pact 1934 – USSR joins the League of Nations ▪ Shows the USSR is willing to work within the international system 1935 – sign an agreement with France and Czechoslovakia to come to the aid of the latter if attacked Doesn’t this go against World Revolution?
A shift occurs from class vs. class to an anti-Fascist group Ex – Operation X ▪ Through the COMINTERN, the USSR sent secret support in Spain against Franco’s Fascists 1936~7 – Anti-Comintern Pact Why do you think the COMINTERN shifted policy?
Sept ’38 – Munich Agreement Despite having a treaty with France, Czechoslovakia and USSR not invited to Munich USSR learns 2 things ▪ Britain and France will appease Hitler ▪ Believe that Britain and France are trying to push Hitler east Apr – attempted to form a triple military alliance but ignored Britain and France concerned about USSR’s ability to fight ▪ Ex – 75% of armed forces purged So, why did Stalin turn to Hitler?
AJP Taylor – only coarse the USSR could take What did they get? Ensured the Soviet Union is not brought into war Time to develop Land/Buffer Do you agree with Taylor’s assessment?