The history of IBM A concise history of IBM from its humble beginnings to the present day.
1896 Humble Beginnings In 1896 Herman Hollerith founds the Tabulating Machine Company.
1911 Tabulating Machine Company merges with two other firms to make the Computer-Tabulating-Recording Company.
WW II This is a machine used by the Nazi's in the second world war. It is thought to have been supplied by IBM.
Magnetic tape, 1950’s IBM introduces the IBM 701, IBM’s first production computer. The 701 uses magnetic tape drive vacuum technology. Throughout this decade IBM made many progressions in technology including in calculators.
The ibm System/360 the worlds first family of computers that are fully compatable in terms of software instructions and hardware, is introduced. 10 years after this groundbreaking release the IBM System 370 which uses virtual memory is launched.
1981 The IBM PC is launched. This was the smallest computer of its era and is single handedly responsible for the PC revolution.
1980’s Throughout the rest of the 1980’s many more revolutionary PCs were released, including portable computers!
1990’s During the early 1990’s many leaps and bounds are made in technology from computer firms all over the world.
The chess grand master is beaten by the Deep Blue super computer. Dell signs a $16 billion dollar contract and the ThinkPad series is released.
The twenty-first century The noughties saw a massive change and advancement in almost all technology. The internet and cell phones became part of everyday life. This really changed the way IBM had to work.
Now! The new and ever evolving techniques and technologies are the way this industry is heading. Some people have doubts how much further it can go but the pace doesn’t appear to be about to slow any time soon.
IBM vs. Microsoft As the two biggest computer firms in the world they are constantly competing for new software, hardware and any other sort of ware available.